Educational modules focused on psychopathology and treatment in community setting

Project facts

Project promoter:
ESET - HELP, Civic Association
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 11,299
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic

More information


The project is focused on education of social workers and nurses in the field of psychiatric community care in the environment of the clients. This type of education is lacking in the regular education programs of the schools which educate social workers and nurses in the Czech Republic. Community way of working with psychiatric patients is associated with many prejudices which can be overcome by spreading high-quality information to the wider public. The project aims to create a training module, which will include comprehensive information on the psychopathology and treatment of people with mental illness in community settings and subsequent professional training for nonmedical public. The main target group is mentally ill people. The partner will provide expert guarantee for the field of mental health care and consultant activities.

Summary of project results

The project is focused on education of social workers and nurses in the field of psychiatric community care in the environment of the clients. This type of education is lacking in the regular educational programs of the schools which educate these workers. The aim of the project was creating an educational module focused on the specifics of work with people with mental illness in their natural environment. This education module was based on the needs analysis of the target group of psychiatric care providers. The objective was achieved. The main output of the project was the training module, which was accreditated by czech Ministry of Social Affairs. This training module is focused on psychopathology and treatment of people with mental illness in community setting. Implementation of the pilot course was the main result, other activities were - creation a workgroup, mapping the educational needs of psychiatric community care providers and evaluating questionnaires. The project contributes to the professionalism. Target group (non - medical workers who care for people with mental illness) filled questionnaire that was evaluated. On the base of the questionnaire evaluation was created training module in which the target group had taken part.

Summary of bilateral results