The project focuses on destigmatization and support of community based social services for patients with schizophrenia. The project reflects the need to improve the access to professional psychiatric care and subsequent social services for the patients, to support secondary and tertiary prevention and help destigmatize psychiatric patients and psychiatric care. The main output will be communication campaign implemented in two levels: 1/ national, 2/ local/regional. The objective is to inform the primary and secondary target groups about the community based social services for patients with schizophrenia and to connect the primary target group with particular providers of health and community based social services for patients with schizophrenia. The primary target group contains: patients with schizophrenia, their families, associations of families, patient associations. Secondary target groups are: psychiatric doctors, psychiatric hospitals, psychiatric-departments, providers of social services for patients with mental illness. The project has been prepared and will be carried out together with two partners – Lomikamen, o.s. and Dotyk II, o.p.s.
Summary of project results
The project wasn't completed because the beneficiary is in insolvency. Project beneficiary submited only 1st monitoring report and after it stopped communicate. In the column "Final project information" is whole amount of advanced payments, which the project beneficiary received.
Summary of bilateral results