The project is aimed at primary prevention of childhood obesity and related diseases in support of a healthy lifestyle of preschool children aged 3 – 7 years. The project is built on three main pillars: healthy eating, healthy drinking and body activities. The work with children consists of a series of theatre performances and body activities with a puppet-boy, Cepík. In addition, the project team will develop various teaching aids and materials for kids in support of a healthy lifestyle. Teachers in kindergartens and catering managers involved in the project will be trained in healthy eating and food safety issues. Cooks will be given a cooking course aimed at healthy and modern meals. The main target group is preschool children aged 3 – 7 years. The donor partner will have a supportive and methodological role in order to secure the high quality of all project activities. The partner Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem will participate in creation of interactive tools, the partner Health Institute based in Ústí nad Labem will help with promotion of the interventionist programs and training of the teachers.
Summary of project results
Project “Cepik”, focused on heathy lifestyle for preschool children and prevention of childhood obesity, was carried out according to its schedule and its goals were achieved. Among the project results is increase in the use of pure tapped water in kindergartens (more than 50% of kindergartens started serving pure tapped water to the children), increase in fruit and vegetable consumption based on the consumer basket (10% increase in consumption in kindergartens) and increase in fish and grain legumes consumption. Altogether, more than 2,000 children age 3-6 years; more than 200 teachers and over 60 staff members responsible for school meals were involved in the project. The children were involved through theatrical performances, which had 3 parts. These theatrical performances have always been thematically linked to materials and tools for children and teachers to help further education of children on proper diet. All teachers were educated on healthy children´s diet. A lot of important information materials were given to the training participants. In addition, new tools have been developed as a part of project (board game, “Exercise Booklet”, Puppet Cepík) They help teachers to educate children on the healthy lifestyle. Kindergarten staff members responsible for cooking were educated in new modern cooking methods. 10 meals were cooked, especially legume meals, various vegetarian meals and fish. A part of the training was meal degustation. Training participants received recipe booklets. Parents of children from registered kindergartens had an opportunity to be a part of Children´s Nutrition Forum. These forums were held in kindergartens and each kindergarten supplied babysitting.
Summary of bilateral results
The main partner of the project was the Norwegian University of Oslo, Public Health Nutrition, led by prof. Nanna Lien. The partnership was established within the initial bilateral grant and continued throughout the project. The partnership was very important for the project - it provided access to scientific cognisance, research and studies. It worked as a consulting centre for further development of the project. It is planned to continue even when the project is officially closed up.