The lack of sufficient knowledge of injury prevention for children is a big risk for the future. Therefore, there is need to provide non-school organizations for children with appropriate know-how and education regarding the injury prevention. The goal of the sub-project is to help reduce the incidence of child injuries using three newly created primary prevention programmes. Outputs of the sub-project will be 9 consultations for the project promoter's employees (activity 1), 3 newly created programmes (activity 2), the implementation of programmes in 25 non-school childcare facilities (activity 3) and 1 web portal (activity 4). Sub-project is focused on the target group of children and parents attending non-school childcare facilities (maternity centres, private kindergartens, etc.). The partner will provide its wide experience regarding the child injuries prevention by sharing his know-how. The partnership will achieve the fullfilment of project goals.
Summary of project results
Insuries are the most common cause of death and morbidity among children. Even though there is success in declinig quantity of them in the Czech Republic but the number is still relatively high. The aims of the project were: to extend and deepen competence in the field of child injury prevention by experts from the Blue Hippo Foundation; to raise awareness of children and parents participating in the project on safe behavior; to promote a safer environment for non-school facilities and households. The project delivered train experts from the Blue Hippo Foundation, created and implemented 3 new programs for primary prevention of child injuries and created web page focused on prevention of child insuries. The outputs of the project were: nine realized consultations for parents; creation of concept of 3 new preventative programs including relevant educational and support materials in electronic and printed form; programs were implemented in 25 non-school institutions of south-moravia region; creation of a web page with published programs, moderated discussion forum and links to other materials in the field of child injury prevention.
Summary of bilateral results
The partnership benefits from the years of experience of the Norwegian Safety Forum and its member organizations, sharing know-how and international contacts. Partner was involved in the Activity 1. The Norwegian Safety Forum representative arrived for a short working visit to the Czech Republic. Provide staff with the Blue Hippo Foundation with consultations on child injury prevention in Norway and EU countries. Partner was involved also in Activity 2, where the Norwegian Saghet Forum Consultant commented on the created programs, participated in the creation of supporting materials and shared with us the documents in printed and digital form. Other materials are shared on the