Fighting stigma associated with stereotypes of mentally ill

Project facts

Project promoter:
Fokus Labe
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 49,429
The project is carried out in:
Ústecký kraj

More information


The goal of the project is to change the stereotype of how people perceive persons suffering from schizophrenia so they are not isolated anymore in the society or sanctioned. The aim of the project is to raise the public´s knowledge about the problems related to psychiatric patients with schizophrenia. The project will achieve its goal throughout billboard campaigns, an ambulatory photo exhibition, a documentary movie, 10 workshops, animated videos and final conference of the project. Activities will be oriented towards public, students in schools and professional public. The main target group are mentally ill patients followed by wide public, students of primary and secondary schools.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was to introduce mental illness to wide public and that people with schizophrenia are able to engage in everyday life and aren’t dangerous. The result of the project was destigmatization – the change of stereotype of the view on persons ill with schizophrenia when they won’t be socially isolated and sanctioned, the change of attitude of public, employee, family, friends, but even medical staff. Outputs of the project:  Billboard campaign – communication of 4 myths connected with schizophrenia and mental illness  travelling photo exhibition and publication – presentation of life stories of mentally ill people  documentary film – film about young people successfully fighting mental illness  campaign in new electronic media – addressed to young people  arrangement of conference – presentation of experience of project participants, contributions of psychiatric experts and psychiatric patients themselves, presentation of the project outcomes Outcomes of the project: - billboard campaign – realized by media agency around whole Czech republic in range 70 billboards for 1 month - travelling photo exhibition and publication – there was processed and published publication with photographic conception of schizophrenia and exhibition were organized - documentary film - film about young people successfully fighting mental illness - animated videos – campaign on modern electronic media in form of short animated videos with impact among whole Czech republic - conference – organization of conference on theme view on social danger of people with schizophrenia where were presented outcomes of the project

Summary of bilateral results