Diagnosis is not the end

Project facts

Project promoter:
Charity Vyškov
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 41,845
The project is carried out in:
Jihomoravský kraj

More information


The project is a response to missing care for people with mental illness and their families. After hospitalization they are sent home, but their subsequent self-fulfilment and care for their families are not solved. The aim of the project is to provide help for people with psychiatric diagnoses and their families, who had been discharged from hospital into a "vacuum". Firstly, project will provide specific assistance to people with psychiatric diagnoses and their families in area Vyškovsko and from PN Kroměříž. Secondly, using information and promotions, project will inform about the problems of discrimination of people with a psychiatric diagnosis together with recommendations, suggestions, warnings, how best to act in this area. The primary target group are mentally ill patients. The secondary target group is wide public.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was to provide support to people with chronic psychic disease, their close ones and people threatened with this kind of diseases in Vyškov region. This support was provided in the form of out-patient and field care through a field worker, social worker and psychotherapist. The main indicator of the project was the number of supported persons, which was significantly exceeded in the end. The limitation of providing additional support thus became its staffing at this phase of the project. The main activity realized by the project was to provide a complex of support and assistance to people with chronic psychic disease their close ones and people threatened with this kind of diseases, and their activation and search for possibilities of employment, which was conditioned by the creation of an adequate background for the operation of the project, psychotherapy and activation in a therapeutic workshop. Together with these activities, publicity and public awareness of mental health issues took place. A project background was created in the form of a therapeutic workshop, a room for the providing of psychotherapy and there was secured the implementation team too. The conference was organized, the project's website was launched and a videotape was published on the project, 15 participants were involved in the workshop, and more than 25 people were supported.

Summary of bilateral results