Prevention of Child Accidents at the University Hospital of Ostrava

Project facts

Project promoter:
University Hospital Ostrava
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 384,866
The project is carried out in:
Moravskoslezský kraj

More information


The University Hospital of Ostrava treats about 6000 children suffering from various injuries a year. This includes marginal but also complicated and sometimes permanent injuries. The number of complicated and very problematic injuries is increasing. This project focuses on the creation of preventive units for child accidents/injuries, and more specifically at furnishing them and securing their operation. This will connect two basic needs of the facility – prevention and diagnostic-therapeutic intervention, which ensure close cooperation between the various units of the hospital throughout the treatment process. Through this project, several new rooms will be built at the Trauma Centre for pediatric patients. The existing space will be redeveloped in order to create a Trauma Units and there will be an adjustment of rooms at the Paediatric Clinic to provide more space for patients. There will be a total of 4 units that will be further equipped with necessary furniture, computers, rehabilitation apparatuses and diagnostic equipment. The project also includes educational programmes for both the training of medical staff and of patients and their parents.

Summary of project results

The University Hospital of Ostrava treats about 6000 children suffering from various injuries a year. This includes marginal but also very complicated injuries which can lead to a permanent disability. The main aim of the project was to establish 4 trauma and preventive units. Several new rooms were built at the Trauma Centre for pediatric patients and at the Department of Pediatric Medicine. These units were further equipped with necessary furniture, computers, rehabilitation apparatuses and diagnostic equipment. Creation of new units has connected two basic needs of comprehensive treatment process – prevention and diagnostic-therapeutic interventions. This process has ensured close cooperation between the various units of the hospital throughout the treatment process. Educational activities consisted an integral part of the project and were intended for healthcare professionals, as well as of patients and their parents. New educational materials were created (information brochures, DVDs). To inevitable part of educational activities belonged also participation of medical staff in specialized courses held outside the University Hospital Ostrava, and organizing own educational events for the staff and external participants from other hospitals. Programme of primary and secondary prevention was developed.

Summary of bilateral results