Complex and integrated rehabilitation center of General University Hospital for individuals with mental disorders

Project facts

Project promoter:
General University Hospital in Prague
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 293,265
The project is carried out in:
Hlavní město Praha


The need of the project is based on the general need of psychiatric health care in the Czech Republic – transformation from institutional to more outpatient oriented health care. The objective of the project is to implement a first step towards this transformation. The main goal of the project is to rebuild, maintain and improve working skills and social relationships, improve performance, increase self-confidence and improve mental state of patients. The aim is to help patients return to families and society as a whole. To achieve this goal there is a need to rebuild existing premises. The objective will be met by modifying and equipping the existing therapy rooms, building a therapy garden with barrier-free access, equipment of outdoor facilities for psycho-education and integration of mentally ill patients and also premises for education of staff. The newly created complex will help about 750 patients annually. The implementation of the project will improve current standard of care in the major hospital in the capital city of Prague. There is no donor project partner.

Summary of project results

The project reacted on new trends of the psychiatric care that are laid down in the Strategy for the Reform of Mental Health that emphasizes deinstucionlisation of inpatient care. The main aim was thus introduction of a new rehabilitation model based on complex resocialisation that would enable smooth integration back to “normal” life. The project offered a wide range of education providing systematic training of social competences and integration activities. Complex psychiatric care is now provided by well-trained interdisciplinary team (117 staff members ranging from medical staff to peers and nurses was trained) in suitable environment that also stimulates informal discussions among patients and peer support. New activation programmes have been created and form an integral part of the rehabilitation process. The regular therapy evaluation was introduced making proper targeting of support according to patients´ needs possible. Working and resocialisation therapy that allowed for re-start of working habits and motivation was introduced within the Integration centre and sheltered workshop (254 patients supported. On the top of that, 10 patients were employed within the project duration. The creation of new complex rehabilitation programme had to be complemented by necessary investments to infrastructure - material precondition for appropriate therapeutical environment – construction adjustments of existing therapy rooms with new therapeutic and relaxation equipment purcahsed and therapy-garden with barrier-free access. Altogether 787 patients benefited from the new system of complex rehabilitation in psychaitric care.

Summary of bilateral results