The project objective is to improve the quality of perinatal care and follow-up dispensary care at the University Hospital of Hradec Králové. The project aims to upgrade the equipment of the two involved clinics (the Eye Clinic and the Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery) that do not have available the necessary equipment or have obsolete equipment for the UH HK Perinatal Centre patient care and the follow-up outpatient care. The project scope is focused on primary, secondary and tertiary preventions. Thus, the project subject matter is to equip the two clinics with up-to-date medical technology. Furthermore, the project also includes educational activities to acquire new knowledge and skills needed to maximize the use of the purchased technology potential. The project will help to purchase new equipment for the centre as well as to train and educate medical staff. There is no donor project partner.
Summary of project results
Within the project, two clinics of the Faculty Hospital in Hradec Králové (Eye Clinic and the Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery) which form a part of the Perinatological center providing perinatal and follow-up dispensary care were equipped with modern technology. Purchased medical equipment enables timely detection and mainly targeted medical interventions in pathologies that occur, with high incidence and major risk for health, predominantly in low-weight premature new-borns. The examinations may be carried out in a less-invasive manner (for example without the need of anaesthesia), allow for more precise diagnosis and objectivisation of their results. The range of examinations was widened or their frequency increased in order to be able to track actual health state. Educational component suitably complemented the purchase of medical devices as medical staff from both clinics attended conferences relevant for their filed of specialisation. As a result, high-quality primary, secondary and tertiary care can be provided to patients fromHradec Králové, Pardubice but also Vysočina and Liberecký regions. By the end of the project, a total number of 692 children benefitted from improved health services.
Summary of bilateral results