Implementation of the Comprehensive Rehabilitation System in a Psychiatric Clinic

Project facts

Project promoter:
Albertinum, specialized medical center, Žamberk
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 662,248
The project is carried out in:
Pardubický kraj


The main objective of the project is to provide conditions for development and implementation of a complex programme for treatment and therapy care in a psychiatric ward. This will allow for the monitoring and evaluation of patients that is needed to make an informed decision on whether they can be placed into care outside of the care facility. Such community care involve a gradual return of the patients to normal life and is expected to reduce the rate of re-hospitalization. The main activity of the project is the reconstruction of the so-called 'Doctors’ villa'. The reconstruction will create therapeutic offices to be used for psychotherapy and other therapy methods. It will also offer room for various sorts of training and strengthening of daily functions, such as a kitchen, a day room for training on eating habits, a washing room and additional social facilities that serve to training on managing personal belongings, on self-service in normal life and on the cementing of work routines. The grant will be also used to extend the current spectrum of educational seminars offered to the professional staff in the areas of social care and psycho-therapeutic techniques.

Summary of project results

The project has helped to improve the quality of follow-up psychiatric care in Pardubicky region, which has been underfinanced for a long time and has been below the EU level. Contribution of the project was in introduction of a new system of comprehensive psychiatric rehabilitation (330 patients supported) and improvement of mental health care in the region. During the project implementation, 77 employees were trained in the area of psychiatric rehabilitation. The main activity of the project was a reconstruction and equipment of so-called “Doctors’ villa”. In this Day Care Centre, complex psychiatric rehabilitation was implemented. Patients have strengthened their communication and social skills, a regular daily regime, and cognitive skills. Practicing of ergotherapy (e.g. in training kitchens or washing rooms) have helped them to strengthen their adaptation on daily needs and challenges, accelerate their return back to normal life and re-enter the labour market. Psychiatric and psychological outpatient care, as well as health and social care, such as the follow-up to extramural social care were carried out. New aspect during the project implementation was, for instance, including gerontopsychiatric clients into the target group of Day Care Centre what has enabled even more positive effects for wider scope of population. Moreover, these new premises contributed to the success of the treatment and also motivated staff and patients in their further “work”. Important factor in psychiatric rehabilitation was work with families of people with mental health problems. As a result of the project implementation, it is expected that in the long- term, rehospitalisation rate will decrease, return back to normal life will speed up, possibility of staying at home environment will increase and economic costs of the treatment will decrease. However, the real results will be possible to evaluate in upcoming years. As unexpected wider effect, project has helped to deepen cooperation with non-governmental organisations and interconnect own social and health activities. Due to the cooperation with health insurance companies, possibility of application of new activities of health personnel was broadened and possibility of professional self-realisation of staff was improved. Project was realised without donor project partner.

Summary of bilateral results