The research objective is to identify and assess the ways of collaboration between regions and higher education institutions (HEIs) performing in chosen peripheral CZ and NO regions. The ultimate aim is to strengthen development processes by analyzing regional dynamics, strategies and the ways in which these are being addressed (or not) by HEIs. The research will focus on the processes and structures constraining/enabling HEIs to more actively contribute to development of their host regions. Various methodological approaches will be used: comparative analysis, secondary analysis of documents and data; focus groups; qualitative field research; workshops, seminars and a final conference. The main project results will be the mapping of structural and programmatic elements that ease/hamper the regional role of HEIs; a set of novel methodological approaches and scientific publications. One long-term project result will be the development of a Czech-Norwegian network of researchers (2 CZ institutions – Centre for Higher Education Studies, Faculty of Humanities at Charles University and 1 NO Agderforskning AS) as a basis for further collaboration.
Summary of project results
The main aim of this research project was to identify, assess and support the ways of mutual influence and collaboration between higher education institutions (HEIs) and regions considered from different perspectives as peripheral. The Project Promoter was the Centre for Higher Education Studies in Prague, the public research institution. The Czech partner was Charles University, the Faculty of Humanities with a team of experts in sociology, cultural anthropology and economics. The Norwegian partner, Agderforskning AS located in Kristiansand, is a research institution undertaking social science research and development projects regionally, nationally and internationally. At the beginning of the project the needs and problems of the selected peripheral regions (Ústí, Vysočina and Olomouc in CZ, Agder, Telemark and Finnmark in NO) were identified in several areas comprising demographic, social, cultural, educational and economic aspects. These needs were analysed in relations to the educational, research and community-development activities, capacities and potential of the HEIs acting in these regions. Based on a dozen of case regional and HEIs studies (6 CZ, 6 NO) and further analysis it was possible to arrive at recommendations for more effective cooperation between HEIs and the respective peripheries, explicitly utilizing each sides’ capabilities and taking account of (adverse) path-dependencies and policy histories. The results are contained in 7 articles in a special issue of Higher Education Policy journal , 2 books to be brought out in international publishing houses (Routledge, Palgrave), 2 electronic books and the Tool Kit as a practical manual for collaboration between HEIs and regions. More details about the project, results and partners can be found at
Summary of bilateral results
The main reason of PERIF was to contribute to a more effective cooperation and knowledge transfer between universities and peripheral regions using Czech and Norwegian experience. Multidimensional analysis of cooperation between universities and regions, identification of its opportunities and gaps are main outcomes, reached in planned extend. Scientifically innovative approach into research of universities and regions was applied; the main impact is sharing of results with involved public.Outputs delivered: 7 articles in impacted journal, 2 edited books, 3 electronic books and Tool Kit in the Czech and English languages were delivered. To promote links between different regional actors and long-term Czech-Norwegian partnership. The fruitful combination of well experienced and young researchers was established. PERIF CZ-NO cooperation opened a new perspective for research in the area of regional development. The great achievement was establishing of bilateral mini-teams which collaborate on field research, articles and chapters of books and which plan the future collaboration. The project webpage serves as the main platform for sharing results with broader public, Tool Kit and scientific publications mediate findings to those highly interested.