The energy consumption in the Czech Republic is covered mainly by the fossil fuels combustion. This leads to high production of CO2 which is emitted into the atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a relevant technology for CO2 capture. The project was focused on the development of the high temperature carbonate looping technology as the efficient method for CO2 removal from flue gases produced by the fossil fuels combustion. The objective of the project was to design and to verify this technology under laboratory conditions. The outputs of the project should include (i) laboratory testing of CO2 sorption capture, (ii) testing of various sorts of limestones from the Czech sites and (iii) preparation of documentation for the construction of a pilot facility to test this capture process under real conditions. The main beneficiary, together with all project partners, had been involved in the investigation of optimal testing methods and CO2 capture technologies under the conditions existing in the Czech Republic for over five years. The main expected benefit of the project is development of high efficient method for CO2 capture applicable in the industrial scale.
Summary of project results
The project contributed to Output 1 (research in CCS). The implementation ran originally in the form of 4 activities which were extended to 7 by additional ones covered from the additional grant (pursuant the Regulation, Art. 6.9). The implementation was therefore prolonged till 4/2017. Besides, there were 5 approved project modifications especially in budget details (items) in order to enable flexible reimbursement of necessary costs. The implementation was realized in close cooperation of all 3 Czech partners - research institutions, as stipulated in the partnership agreement. All activities were completed, results delivered and indicators fulfilled. The results were published in the form of scientific articles (up to now, 13 have been published, the others are in review), and disseminated via lectures and presentations at scientific conferences in the CR and abroad (SEES, GHGT-9 etc.). Within the project building of 3 sets of laboratory equipment was completed and the equipment was used for tests and shall serve also in the sustainability period. As to particular indicators, the Outcome should be fulfilled by 15 deliverables/37 fulfillled in total. The results indicators included : 8 analysis/studies on CCS technology utilization (2 planned). The Outputs were illustrated by: scientific articles published and presentations at conferences provided (26) ,2 seminars organized, 1 database of CO2 sources with potential of utilization of the absorption technology completed, 8 reports on particular activities and the summary report. - The results were overfilled.
Summary of bilateral results