Carbon Capture & Storage – Sharing Knowledge and Experience

Project facts

Project promoter:
Masaryk University, Brno
Project Number:
Target groups
Schools and other institutions providing education and/or training at all levels,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 277,146
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic

More information


The objective of the project was to introduce the Carbon capture and storage (CCS) method in general and in relation to the global climate change issues to the public and experts and to explain the experience with these technologies from countries which introduce them in practice. The project aimed at providing information to public and other stakeholders to be able to discuss the issue of real practical introduction of the technologies in operation in the Czech Republic by taking into account the potential risks and benefits of it. The project included series of lectures for schools, a competition for high schools students, a study course for students of Masaryk University, traveling exhibition, exhibition in Science Centre, establishing an educational laboratory, meetings with general and expert public, seminars for members of Parliament Committees and Senate, information seminars for relevant staff of ministries and regions. The role of the partner NTNU is sharing topic-related experience and expert knowledge, and represent the experience of Norway which already applies CCS technology in practice (opening the exhibition, workshop for university students, lectures for university students, matching with some of the seminars).

Summary of project results

The project was designed to provide contribution to raising awareness on CCS (the Programme Output 2) via 21 activities in order to deliver the planned results - lectures for students/staff of basic and higher schools, information seminars for state and regional administration bodies and for broad public, educative exhibitions, worshops and excursions on CCS, establishing an interactive laboratory for CCS education, development of curricula for a block lectures on CCS at Masaryk University, publicity measures such as web sites etc. The originally planned 19 activities were extended by next 2 ones (establishing the lab, organizing a competition in CCS knowledge for students). All indicators were fulfilled and significantly overfilled. There were 131 actions/events (106 planned) undertaken during the 18-months implementation period, which in total fulfilled the project Outcome via 4 measures. In particular: 93 lectures (70 planned), 17 information seminars (10 planned), 8 installations of exhibitions on CCS (2 planned), 5 workshops/excursions(4 planned), 1 laboratory established and set into operation, curricula on CCS developed and tested in 2 cycles etc. All target groups were addressed according to the project plan, the most of them proved to be deeply interested in (students, teachers, regional decision makers, broad public), less interest was at political representatives. Overall, the Promoter got a very positive feedback. As a by-side effect, the project contributed to strenghtening of internal cooperation between Masaryk University departments (natural science and social science faculties) and benefitted from professional visits of the Norwegian expert (NTNU - Mr Borland) to Brno, CR. The transfer of knowledge was reflected in development of new block lectures on CCS at Masaryk University. The PP utilized additional funds from the Fund for bilateral cooperation for covering their participation (5 MU staff) at the TCCS-8 Trondheim conference (2015), networking and sharing experience on CCS awarness raising.

Summary of bilateral results

The bilateral cooperation within the project was based on invited lectures / consultations of NTNU experts in the Czech Republic. The mutual collaboration was realized according to the project plan - Mr Borland (Nor.) visited several times the Masaryk University premises in Brno, gave lectures, consulted on CCS awarness raising and communication on CCS issues to the public.He helped during the development of the curricula for block lectures. - Beyond the project, the bilateral cooperation was stenghtened via Fund for bilateral relation which enabled 5 staff of Masaryk University to participate at the TCCS-8 international conference on CCS, held in Trondheim in 2015 and to meet the NTNU, SINTEF and other experts from the international CCS community. The Norwegian partner has no budgeted share on the project budget due to having a more simple accounting. However, the visiting Norwegian experts were paid from the Promoter's project budget (travel, accommodation ,subsistance + remuneration for constultation work) as planed and approved thus the budget share reported here in the financial sections 4 and 6, par.13, includes the "0" value while relevant means for Norwegian experts were spent.