The applicant would like to increase her competences in mathematics teaching at University of Agred and the affiliated centre of excellence MatRIC, which are the places where mathematics education is of the main interest. The plan of the study visit includes the attendance at the three-day concluding symposium of the project METMAS - Mathematical Education Through Modelling Authentic Situations, which is supported by Norway Grants mechanism and its participiants are Brno Univestity of Technology and University of Agder. The second main aim is the attendance at the four-day World Learning Summit 2016 organized by the international research team Future Learning LAB. In the rest of the time the applicant would like to visit other events held by University of Agder and MatRIC like seminars and meetings with the focus on mathematics teaching and education.
Summary of project results
The individual project and the study visit were realised according to the plan. The beneficiary attended on 8-10th June 2016 the Concluding symposium of the project METMAS - Mathematical Education Through Modelling Authentic Situations which is a common project of University of Agder and Brno University of Technology. The event was hosted by University of Tromso (UiT) - The Arctic University of Norway - Campus Narvik and was joined with Seminar ‘Flipped classroom’ approaches in higher education.
Summary of bilateral results
Increased skills/competences of staff