Individual Staff Mobility Grant

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of South Bohemia
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 1,588
The project is carried out in:

More information


The stay is planned as a continuation and implementation of the pilot study of Icelandic algal flora which the applicant started during her two research trips around Iceland (2009,2010) and work on samples. This activity has brought first scientific results: isolation of a stream of new cyanobacterial genus (paper in prep.) and a preliminary overview of algal habitates (presented in the seminar in Dep.of Botany). From her research achievements, a description of a new taxon Dichothrix ledereri (Skácelová 2006) from extreme environment in post-mining area, a teamwork on cyanobacterial flora and invasive algal species (Kaštovský et al. 2010), biogeography of algae (Mareš et al. 2011, Zapomělová et al. 2012), ecology of algae (Skácelová et Lepš 2014), a long-term monitoring of South-Moravian pools in cooperation with local authorities and nature conservation) or authorship of the chapter “Cyanobacteria and algae” in the higher education textbook (Machar ed., 2012), can be mentioned. (List of my publications see, Skácelová is name of applicant before marriage in 2014) she has 15 yers of practise with ecological education (during herwork in Moravian Museum She created several exhibition with programes for schools and public). In Moravian Museum, Brno, I founded the specialized algal collection documenting biodiversity of various environments in time.

Summary of project results

First, staff was briefed on possibilities of research in situ. As the main point, research of the Andakill Ramsar Site was chosen. Most time was spent in by sampling in 7 areas Sitand end in laboratory. Best items were put to agar, majority of samples left fresh to undergo molecular analyses.

Summary of bilateral results

Increased skills/competences of staff