The department visit of respected host institution will give us an opportunity to meet several of the senior staff members, and discuss areas of potential research collaborations. The goal of project is to train staff to perform specific laboratory methods/diagnostic practices and increase the ability of staff routinely perform subsequent molecular epidemiological analysis of isolates. The second part of visit will be devoted to partner activities in the field of medical microbiology teaching. A one week stay will be suitable for our staff to have an overview in ongoing research projects and discuss a possible future collaboration on topics of mutual interest. We would like to follow the routine workflow of the Reference Centre for Antibiotic resistance detection in order to improve our approach to antimicrobial resistance survey performed by our institution.
Summary of project results
During the week period beneficiary has been able to visit Department of clinical mikrobiology of University hospital Tromso and discuss all topics beneficiary has been interested in (clinical practise, ATB stewardship programme in the hospital, infection control, epidemiology of antibiotic resistance). Beneficiary could take a part by ourselves in daily routine work on antibiotic reference centre and had a possibility to work with our own materials, including the special lectures on bioinformatic which beneficiary could apply in our regular work in CZ. beneficiary also had an opportunity to be actually present on the practicals for students on Faculty of Health Science and could compare the differencies and similarities on contents of microbiology lectures. Beneficiary have established a closer relationship with research group focused on antibiotic resistence and would like to publish the results of analysis of our strains which was realised in cooperation with norwegian partners.
Summary of bilateral results
The objective was to increase skills and knowledge on molecular techniques which could be applied in research. The other objective was to learn and exchange an experience on contents and organisation of microbiology lectures on faculty of health sciences. Both objectives have been achieved. We have visited the microbiology practicals for international students, and have been shown the curriculum on university. We learned practically the complex genotypic analysis of antibiotic resistant strains, and had a possibility to attain the course on genomics.