In the focus of cooperation between the partners are energy production technologies used in Czech Republic and Iceland and related environmental issues. The main purpose of the cooperation is exchange of know-how concerning energy production technologies particularly from renewable energy sources and low carbon utilization of fossil sources. The established cooperation is a first essential step for following common research activities, running of individual projects of students at Ph.D. level as well as innovation of study courses of the partner institutions. The project implementation will be based on organizing exchange workshops in both countries, including presentations, discussions and visits on commercial and research installations. Research and education staff and Ph.D. students will attend. Through the duration of the project will be organized 2 workshops and 1 conclusion meeting where will be prepared materials for introduction of the master level double-degree.
Summary of project results
The project was focused on establishing a closer cooperation between the Czech Technical University in Prague in the Czech Republic and Reykjavík University on Iceland. The main purpose of the cooperation was exchange of knowledge and experiences concerning clean and environmentally friendly energy production technologies particularly from renewable energy sources and low carbon utilization of fossil sources. The established cooperation was a first essential step for following common research activities,running of individual projects of students at Ph.D. level. As planned, within the project were organized 2 technical workshops (1 in Czech Republic, 1 in Iceland) and was signed agreement of a doctoral double degree programme. Two individual projects were also prepared, with already one being under interest of a PhD student. The main benefit of the project is, besides the double degree agreement, knowledge and know-how sharing, established partnership between the isntitution for future project and new individual relationships between researchers.
Summary of bilateral results
There are no direct measurable benefits of the project. Research cooperation is a long time process to bring any sort of measurable results, e.g. common publications or common grant applications. Objective of this project was to initialize this cooperation, identify common research interests and find complementarities that would be interesting to further develop. This project fully succeeded in this objective, as demonstrated e.g. by the common double degree program or individual research projects.