The objective of this project is to establish the cooperation platform between the visualization groups at the University of Bergen and the Masaryk University. This platform will form the basis for joining closely related research and education activities currently ongoing in both groups. The student and education staff mobility between the project participants enables us to gain new experience and insight to our activities. PhD students will have the possibility to increase their knowledge base and experience by studying and participating on research at the foreign university. Along with the research and education staff participating on this project, the efforts will lead to common publication activity and improvement of study materials and lectures related to visualization subjects. In consequence these activities will help to increase the ranking of the partner group at the Masaryk University, thanks to the cooperation with the strong and highly ranked visualization team in Bergen.
Summary of project results
The primary target group were the PhD students at the Masaryk University and University of Bergen who had a chance to spend a research stay at the partner university. As a result four students were participated on this activity - three students from Masaryk University spent a long-term research stay at the University of Bergen and one student from University of Bergen spent a short-term research stay at the Masaryk University. The second target group were the academic staff members which had a chance to strengthen their research and education competence by visiting the partner university. This goal was also accomplished.
Summary of bilateral results
All planned objectives were succesfully fulfilled. The long-term objective, the establishment of a sustainable cooperation between the visualization groups at the University of Bergen and the Masaryk University, was also successful. Both partner groups managed to establish a solid partnership, defined several research topics of mutual interest for the future, and in some of them already conducted specific research plans. This will be strenghtened also by the fact that one of the PhD students from MU participating on this project will continue as a post-doc at the University of Bergen for the following four years.