Czech - Norwegian Mobility Partnership

Project facts

Project promoter:
Mendel University in Brno
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 30,480
The project is carried out in:
Jihomoravský kraj


The competition in the labour market is high and each competitive advantage, such as tertiary level of education, the ability to speak other languages and to work in different environments, could be beneficial. All these advantages could be obtained when participating in mobility partnerships. The objective of this project is to sustain and strengthen the relationship between the Czech Faculty of Business and Economics at the Mendel University in Brno (Mendelu) and the Norwegian Faculty of Business Administration at Hedmark University College (HUC). The attainment of this objective will be based on the mobility of students and teachers, and the knowledge and experiences they could share with the partner institution. Both institutions will share their theoretical and practical knowledge in the field and find ways to cooperate in the future. The cooperation will contribute to continuous improvement of both institutions and so ensure their stability and future prosperity that will enable them to educate future generations.

Summary of project results

The competition in the labour market is high and each competitive advantage of a jobseeker could be salutary. It is obvious that the tertiary education is very important and together with the language skills and flexibility of the jobseekers belong to the main factors influencing the competitiveness in the labour market. At the tertiary level, the Czech Republic reported the second highest growth in expenditure by educational institutions for all services. Despite some cuts, Norway is still one of the greatest investors in education. Both countries have significant interest in continuous improvement of the tertiary level of education. Shared experiences and finding new ways how to achieve it could be beneficial for both of them. This project enabled the possibility of cooperation in this field, sustained and strengthened the relationship of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendelu and the Faculty of Business Administration, HUC. The objective of this project was to sustain and strengthen the relationship of the Faculty of Business and Economics (Mendelu) and the Faculty of Business Administration (HUC). The attainment of this objective was based on the mobility of students and teachers, on their knowledge and experiences they shared with the partner institution. The mobility should be targeted primarily on the students from both institutions which came for one semester to study at partner´s institution. Due to the lack of interest from Norwegian students the partnership agreement was changed and finally 4 students from Mendelu came to HUC. The secondary target group were teachers that came for one week to teach at partner institution. The teachers shared their experiences with teaching methods of a certain subject. In total, 5 teachers from Mendelu and 3 teachers from HUC went for mobility. They improved their pedagogical skills and developed academic contacts. The aim of the project was achieved.

Summary of bilateral results

The cooperation of both faculties will be sustained - the Memorandum of uniderstanding between both faculties was signed which enables and declares the mutual coopeartion of both faculties. The Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendelu, applied for the project of Institutional cooperation with Faculty of Business Administration, HUC and succeded. Now the proces in in the stage of signing appropriate documents and the institutional cooperation not just in the filed of mobility but in the field of science and publication can start. The output of the following project will be a common publication of both project partners. The objective of this project was to sustain and strengthen the relationship of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno (Mendelu) and the Faculty of Business Administration, Hedmark University College (HUC). The attainment of this objective was be based on the mobility of students and teachers, on their knowledge and experiences they shared with the partner institution. The objective was fully reached. There is one formal mistake in the original application - Increased higher education student and staff mobility between Beneficiary and EEA EFTA States - number of students, staff - should be 12 (counting with 8 students and 4 teachers) instead of 14 (8+6) - according to the budget planned. This number was kept according to the approved changes of the project. Receiving letter of confirmation. Students received ECTS credits for the subject studied abroad, declared by the documents (study period confirmation, learning agreement). Teachers received the letters of confirmation from their visits. The project partner participated on the project promotion, calls for student and teachers´ mobility, organization of meetings, taking care of students and teachers comming for visit, fast and clear coomunication - online per skype, e-mails, organization on place, exchanging teachers for mobilites - 3 teachers came to Brno for mobility, making new contacts, sharing experiences in teaching and research. The cooperation was without andy problems.