This project aims to enhance cultural dialogue and strengthen European identity by challenging the issue of money and current economic system through a modern art exhibition, which will be created in bilateral partnership with artists from Iceland and presented in the most progressive and largest modern art institution in the Czech Republic – DOX Centre in Prague. The project includes the preparation and implementation of one of the Centre’s three chief exhibition projects for 2016 with an original educational and attendant programme, and publication of a catalogue. The exhibition with the name “The Soul of Money” will use the perspective and tools of modern art to deal with money as a social phenomenon, more precisely with a critique of the current economic system (which calls for “endless growth”) and its consequences. It is a reaction to the current global economic and social situation, characterized by waves of financial crises and their impact, which leads, among other things, to a search for alternatives. Contemporary art is not only a means of expression; the project will examine art as such from a critical perspective as one of the commodities on the market that it has turned into. Tomáš Sedláček, a renowned Czech economist and university lecturer will act as the project’s academic sponsor and shall guarantee professional relevance. The final part of the project will be a supplementary conference on the topic in question with the artists Libia Castro and Ólaf Ólafsson from Iceland as the key speakers. The exhibition has the potential to have maximum impact on the general public with the aim to attract 15,000 visitors.
Summary of project results
The project was aimed at presentation and promotion contemporary art within the context of themes that are changing today’s world. "The Soul of Money" exhibition focused on money as a phenomenon everybody is – willingly or unwillingly – part of. Through artworks and projects by numerous foreign and Czech artists, the project aimed to explore some of the implications of the grand colonization of today‘s world through the current economic model. The exhibiton took place in The DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague from 19th February 2016 (vernissage on 18th February 2016) till 6th June 2016 including accompanying and educational programmes for schools, families and public (lectures, workshops, guided tours, etc.). As part of the project, the DOX Centre hosted a one-day conference "Of Money and Men" on economic alternatives with key speakers from Icelandic project partner – the artists Libia Castro and Ólaf Ólafsson in May 2016. An important part of the conference was a panel focused on presenting the potential of contemporary art within the context of the theme of the conference as well as further societal, social, and other issues. The exhibition and additional activities managed to reach the general public with a socially topical theme, which are the consequences of the current economic system in a broad context. The project also promoted civic and social cohesion and contained warning aspects about contemporary social polarization and hate speech, including media. More than 19 000 people visited the exhibition. An exhibition catalogue was published containing photographs of the entire project accompanied by text (in Czech and English).
Summary of bilateral results
The partners of the project were the artistic duo Ólafur Ólafsson (Iceland) and Libya Castro. The cooperation between partners and The DOX centre has been established during the previous projects. The partner was actively involved in the exhibition´s preparation and implementation from the very beginning. They prepared a new artwork for the exposition - the video piece “The Illusion Women study N°1.” In it, they give their opinion on the economic, political and social world, which has become more unequal since the financial crisis of 2008. The video depicts a woman giving a speech on this situation and trying to guess the future. The DVD that is a part of the catalogue includes an interview about this artwork with L. Castro, which was created on the occasion of the exhibition. The partners also participated on a conference "Of Money and Men" that took place in May 2016. The cooperation with the Icelandic partner has made it possible to present in the exhibition premierely a new work of art duo, whose work is already known in major European institutions dealing with contemporary art. Presentation of the artwork at the conference also served as a Best Practice situation where contemporary art plays a major role in critical commentary on global social events. No concrete plans for cooperation in the future but due to the near-philosophy of the art duo and the DOX Centre is very likely.