The core idea of the project is to protect the interests and rights of the child, who is perceived as an active entity, upon cooperation of key relevant stakeholders and the child itself. The project is a reaction to the practice when a child is not involved in the decision-making process. Project objectives are: (1) Design of a cooperation system for all relevant institutions involved in dealing with cases of individual children (2) Creation of the child's involvement in decision-making processes, related pilot testing (3) Dissemination of acquired lessons and experience among relevant key stakeholders and sustainability of good practice.The objectives will be achieved through the implementation of the three key activities of the project focused on developing an appropriate communication strategy among entities involved in dealing with cases of individual children, on involving the child in decision-making processes. Children as a main target group will be highly involved in the process. The partner is a core actor for transferring good practice from the donor state. The additional activities (approved in June 2016) will bound to the original project and take into account the specificts of the target group of children disseminate the know-how of the project among the relevant key players.
Summary of project results
The core idea of the project was to protect interests and rights of the child, perceived as an active entity involved in decision – making processes. The idea came about as a result of an inadequate coordination of activities concerning problem solving in families in relation to a child in South Moravian region, which has a negative effect on the child, who is perceived only as an object not a subject in the whole process. Rights, interests, opinions, wishes or needs of the child are not taken into account. Within the first objective of the project (design of a cooperation system for all relevant institutions involved in dealing with cases of individual children) the organization focused on methodological meetings or phone calls with professionals directly involved in particular cases. Consequently, the child was taken into Spondea´s psychological care or took part in the corresponding case conference. Meeting the second objective (creation of the child's involvement in decision-making processes, pilot testing ) involved mainly psychological work with children, accompanying them through the decision-making processes and preparing them for case conferences. Within the “No Kids in the Middle” programme, based on a methodology by Justine van Lawick, a unique care for children and their parents was developed thanks to individual and group work. Spondea obtained a certificate for training other professionals in “No Kids in the Middle” programme. The Anthology of Good Practice of Involving Children In Decision – Making processes was published as a part of the third objective (dissemination of acquired lessons and experience among relevant key stakeholders and sustainability of good practice). On the whole, the number of children involved in decision – making processes increased and Spondea took part in a higher number of case conferences. All the activities were extended in April 2016 when children from families with violence were involved as well. In total, 56 children were involved in decision-making processes during parental disputes thanks to the project. The main benefit of the project is introduction of a new programme for work with children to the Czech Republic. The interdisciplinary cooperation has been strengthened so that the child is burdened with the system as little as possible, the professional help is found in time and information between professionals is promptly exchanged.
Summary of bilateral results
The partnerhip with Oslo Krisesenter was based on mutual transfer of good practice of work with endangered children and families, It helped to strengthen the cooperation that began in 2013. Mainly the psychologists of the project shared their experience with working with children via Skype. The Norwegian partner showed a strong interest in the method of group work with children and their parents . It has been agreed that in the future Spondea will explain this innovative method to its partner and thus it might be transferred to Norway as well.