Biowaste is the treasure

Project facts

Project promoter:
KOKOZA, o.p.s.
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Young adults
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 30,956
The project is carried out in:


The project aims to contribute to solving the social problem of large amounts of organic waste ending in landfills. The project visibility this issue and bring the solution in the form of public involvement. The target group is people living in the capital city of Prague in the productive age. The aim is to help people to understand that biowaste is a valuable resource, which needs to be separated from other waste and should be reused. Through workshops and happenings individuals, families and active citizens get knowledge about the biowaste problem and can also cooperate to push municipalities to act in this field. Raising the public awareness will be made by interactive and mainly practical creative workshops to show, how to separate and reuse biowaste simply in households. In the beginning and at the end of the project implementation the smart form of questionnaires and facilitated focus groups will be organized.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was to contribute to solving a social problem based on a huge amount of the biowaste from households which ends on dumps and incinerators. The goal has been fulfilled during the realization of the project and materials for future work were gotten (see lower). Kokoza will contribute to fulfill this goal even after the end of the project thanks to the created outcomes of the project. Very valuable outcomes of the project are results of the research done by the Human Centered Design method. It is an innovative research method for which a close cooperation with a target group is typical. Other outcomes of the project were created based in this method. The outcome of the project are materials: an info-graphic with a manual “How to biowaste in the city”, a brochure “How to build a vermicomposter”, 10 examples of a good practice. These materials educate and mainly support people in responsible handling with the biowaste. As well as reaching the outcomes of the project itself was the work on its creation a huge benefit. The work on outcomes of the project was at the same time an enlightenment work. We also got a great feedback to our work and to the problematic as we were cooperating with the target group closely. Thanks to this we were able to create such outcomes which fit perfectly to our target group and which support the target group in sorting and composting the biowaste. Our work with individual people which we gave individual advices to and support has also a big impact. Thanks to the research, work and dissemination of the outcomes, the theme of sorting and composting gets its visibility. People are more interested in the problematic of handling with the biowaste and they actively sort and compost their biowaste. They also become those who inspire and motivate others to reduce the quantity of the biowaste which goes to the dump and incinerator. With this we close the Food Loop and give the organic matter back to the soil.

Summary of bilateral results