Small explorer of nature

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 33,060
The project is carried out in:
Hlavní město Praha


Children in primary schools spend more time on the computers and less time is spent outdoors. Most after school activities take place inside buildings. Only a few activities develop children interest in spending time outdoors in nature. The aim of the project is to develop and test 120 pupils at 10 elementary school eco-friendly after school activities. Little explorer of nature wants to create content for the training of teachers and 20 teachers methodically prepare for the implementation of the course. Working with children in courses is routed out outside the school building. Children have the opportunity to explore the natural near their school, they learn to observe and get a new perspective on the environment in which they live. Who is Expected to benefit? The project is intended for primary schools and educates teachers, who are then able to lecture course MPP. The project implemented by the applicant without a partner.

Summary of project results

Project Little explorer of the nature is a after school activity, that supports the local schools and the education of pupils, forming a deeper relationship with nature and the environment. Within the subsidized period they were created worksheets, metodics of activities for children. We created and did training of mentors of our after school activity and a methodology of training of mentors. We Were teaching first half of school year at 10 schools in Prague. Project period lasted one year from 1 April 2015 until 31 March 2016. The aim of our project was to increase the awareness of ecology and nature. To achieve the goals we trained our lecturers in the areas necessary for good leadership of childrens (exploring metods, experiential education, special education, respectful approach, save management, etc.). Methodology what we did is for the next years of training courses and leading project. The project was successfully held at 10 schools and 120 children attended it. Training course successfully completed in two weekends, 20 lecturers, who was handed a certificate. Full year of support for this project had a significant impact on the sustainability and self-sufficiency of Little explorer of nature. This year of support has given us the ability to create lessons, methodology and management system ring, which is still in use.

Summary of bilateral results