Environmental education in scout groups

Project facts

Project promoter:
Junák - svaz skautů a skautek ČR, Pardubický kraj
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Manager, leaders, teachers, trainers, administrators and technical staff from eligible institutions
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 11,317
The project is carried out in:
Pardubický kraj


The aim of the project is to enhance environmental knowledge and envi-education in scout groups in the Pardubice region through their leaders, so that they can independently implement eco and envi-educational programs in their groups of the youth. The project builds on more than 10-year tradition of similar activities in this region and trying to fill the "gap" in environmental education in the current scouting. The activities will include a variety of workshops, field excursions, edition of the handbook and replenishment information sources. The target group is about 500 heads of divisions and professional staff; indirectly, approximately 3,000 children in sections.

Summary of project results

Environmental education is since foundation of Scouting for more than 100 years, one of the key elements of the Scout educational method. The aim of the project was to enhance environmental education in scout groups in the Pardubice region, notably through adequate training of scout leaders - so that they were then able to implement environmental education in thein own groups. Prepared practical workshops and expanded environmental library and publications on environmental law have contributed decisively to higher education executives in the Pardubice region in environmental education, even in the longer term. The outcome of the project are 16 workshops for leaders and members of the management partition and for teachers and educational events. There was also an expansion of the regional environmental library of more than 80 volumes of literature (atlases, identification keys, monographs, methodical literature) and at the end of the project to issue its kind unique guide "Činnost dětských organizací v přírodě – právní souvislosti ochrany životního prostředí" in an edition of 250 copies granted to all scout groups and Scout centers in the Pardubice region. Participants in the program gain knowledge through workshops in several areas of environmental education and inspiration on how to further popularize this knowledge in programs for children. Guide will help to raise awareness of the legal context of environmental protection, not only on the limitations that apply to outdoor activities, but also on ways to participace NGOs in conservation of nature.

Summary of bilateral results