The project is important to raise awareness and professional support of companies in the implementation of climate protection measures. This area of environmental protection in the Czech Republic is dealt with only a minimal number of companies. There is not paid sufficient attention to the role and involvement of companies at the national level. Even the largest companies in the Czech Rep. rarely deal with its climate protection policy. The overall objective of the project is to encourage the companies to get involved in specific activities for climate protection and to motivate them to implement their own measures. The main outputs of the project will be the processed methodology for the preparation of policy of climate protection, the implementation of this policy in two companies, case studies of international good practice in companies, communication support of measures in companies towards the public, and training and seminars for companies.
Summary of project results
The European Union at COP21 as a single unit signed a commitment to reduce emissions by at least 40% by 2030 (compared to 1990). This commitment complements the Europe-wide binding target to increase the share of renewable resources in energy consumption to a minimum of 27% and an indicative target for energy efficiency improvements of at least 27% (both 2030). Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are now the highest in the last 800,000 years, causing the temperature increase. This results in longer and more frequent heat waves, more extreme events such as cyclones and hurricanes, more acidic oceans and rising sea levels. The consequences of warming are tangible in all countries, including the Czech Republic. Climate protection is increasingly a key issue for the future of the business. Among the large global companies is climate protection usually not a priority, or at least not a standard. The aim of the project was to promote the direct involvement in specific activities for climate protection and motivate enterprises to implement their own long-term measures in this direction. The project aimed to increase the overall awareness of companies and other organizations on the principles and opportunities of climate protection and their integration into strategic business management. That objective was achieved through specific actions: the creation and dissemination of methodological support to determine the carbon footprint and to implement climate protection policy, the creation of policies for climate protection at two specific businesses, further processing collections of examples of international good practice examples of concrete measures to reduce the carbon footprint. An important part of the project was to support the transfer of acquired knowledge and experience of the project among participating companies, experts and interested parties from other companies or organizations within the meetings and trainings. Realizator of the project organized a national seminar which was a platform for very useful discussion. The project realizator spread the outcomes and lessons learned among other business representatives in their activities and drawn website and purchase the video. The target group of the project were companies, their management and employees, Czech companies (including Czech subsidiaries of foreign companies), which had prepared a policy or strategy for climate protection. Additional affected group is a public.
Summary of bilateral results