Pre-school club

Project facts

Project promoter:
Diocesan Charity Ostrava-Opava
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 32,452
The project is carried out in:
Moravskoslezský kraj


The main goal of the project is to improve equal opportunities for children living in socio-cultural disadvantaged background - Roma children, when entering elementary school and help to create them family and extra-curricular environment which could motivate them to studying and to active engaging to extra-curricular educational and the leisure time activities. In two pre-school clubs children will acquire social and other competencies in a playful way and their parents will learn how to support their children properly. Children and their parents will be supported by ambulatory activities in community centres as well as by field care in families. The activity will takeplace every working day and it will be run in two centres of DCHOO in Ostrava where it will supplement existing activities. Activities of both centres will be extended of leisure time activities for schoolchildren - English course and Creative workshop. We expect that approximately 105 children and 35 parents will be supported by this project.

Summary of project results

The Preschool club project was focused on removing of barriers of children coming from socially excluded Roma areas when accessing to education. These children and their parents do not consider the education as a value which significantly influences their lives in the future. The project was aimed at complex work with pre-school children and their parents with the goal to prepare the preschool children for successful entrance to the first grade of elementary school and assist them to create family and extracurricular background, which would motivate them to the education but also to the active participation in educational and leisure-time activities. The preschool club at the age of 3 – 6 had the possibility to attend preschool club in Coexistence Village in Ostrava – Muglinov or in Horizont center in Ostrava – Kunčičky where was prepared specific programme focused on the development of the memory, language skills, logical thinking physical disposition etc. three days a week during morning time. Also the field support of social workers was offered to children and parents directly in households (practising of children´s skills, preparation of parents in the area related to school attendance, support of children from first grade and their parents after entering the elementary school).Two leisure time activities were offered to school children – the course of English, DIY course (creative workshops). Thanks to the project, it was easier for preschool children and their parents to enter to the first grade of compulsory school attendance by systematic preparation and support and therefore also to strengthen the value of education at children and their parents. One hundred and five children and fifty four parents were supported by individual activities.

Summary of bilateral results