The project is focused on pupils attending primary schools in Beroun and Králův Dvůr. The aim is to support pupils to stay in the mainstream of education via training and integration support of target group to major society. The main tools are non-formal education training in context of free time activities and home-visiting of target group. The project supports cooperation between NGO, schools and local children social-law protection authority. The tangible outcome will be the Methodology for improvement of Inclusive Education.
Summary of project results
The need for the project was insufficient work with Romany minority in the region, which is struggling with consequences of social exclusion. The project was based on local and foreign good practices focused mainly on support of academic success of the Romany children and maintaining their standard education progress. Thanks to the project we were able to set system cooperation among the partner of the project, organisations and schools that will be maintained after the project realization. The partner organisation and field social worker had the main roles, who build the cooperation also between cities Králův Dvůr and Beroun. Thanks to multidisciplinary cooperation we could build team of professionals that provided service for families not under supervision from local authorities but in need of support in the region. We brought to children new experiences through tutoring and leisure time activities; furthermore we were positively influencing their self-esteem and self-image. Apart from that we created useful educational cards with multiplication, fractions and Czech basic grammar. We also created a pairs game with multiplication theme as a leisure activity. All our experiences are described in methodical suggestion, which was distributed to all project participants. We supported 18 children in tutoring activity, from which 14 of them for a long term. All 14 children were evaluated by their teacher as more active in classes and interested at school. We were struggling with mistrust in families in our social field work, we contacted 12 families and a long term work was maintained with 5 of them. In leisure time activities we supported at least 89 children, which is six times more than it was planned and the project employees worked pedagogically towards children. We also worked as advocates for these children at schools, because they deserve every chance they get not to repeat life patterns of their parents.
Summary of bilateral results