Project Better future for Roma children and youth wants to provide support to Roma families from socially excluded localities in region Toužimsko and Tepelsko so that Roma children and youth were able in the future to fully enter mainstream society, the labor market and life outside the excluded locality. Support will be provided through activities that are currently lacking, however, are sorely needed. These include support for pre-school children, the incentive for parents of children and youth, recreational activities for children, youth and parents and support the education of children.
Summary of project results
Defined needs of the project based on the needs of the community in Dobrá Voda and Nová Farma react to the situation in excluded locations. By achieving the stated objectives of the project, we helped Roma children and youth to integrate in mainstream society. We responded to isolation of children and adolescents in locations and to the fact that kids didn’t experience the "normal childhood". We aimed for them to have similar experiences as their friends.Support was provided through missing activities in the existing work of the Český západ, however, they were desperately needed. To achieve the overall goal, we set specific goals. These were as follows: 1. Continuing support of preschool education for children from Nová Farma for at least 11 kids- during the project we achieved a total support of 18 children. 2. Minimum 4 children successfully complete training in a kindergarten in Teplá and at least 4 children master the first, second and preparatory class at an elementary school in Teplá. In kindergarten attendance has mastered by five children. The primary school attended 7 children, however two girls were recommended to transfer to school for weaker kids or to go through grade repetition. Altogether mastered first, second and preparatory class 5 children. At least 8 families actively begin to participate in support of their children in educational institutions; this value was identical with reality. 3. At least 8 families actively participate in leisure activities with their children- there were 9 families involved in the project. 4. Youth aged 13- 18 years in a minimum number of 12 boys and girls from Dobrá Voda engaging in leisure activities- total involved 25 boys and girls, we supported also by participants from the locality Nová Farma. 5. Minimum 44 children (6- 18 years) will experience ordinary activities - the total number at the end of the project were 44 children and youth from Dobrá Voda and Nová Farma.
Summary of bilateral results