Rivers for towns

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Union for the Morava River
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 34,901
The project is carried out in:
Jihočeský kraj


The project Rivers for towns responds to still not fulfilled need of the rehabilitation of our major rivers in towns, in our particular case it involves the Morava river in Olomouc and Litovel, the river Bečva in Přerov, Lipník n./B. And Hranice and of course the subsequent river landscape in upper Morava basin. Great flood control developer plans for urban area protection has been processed recently. It follows that the Morava in Olomouc achieves a quite new image for te next hundred years. But altogether with an effective flood protection it is desired to create suitable riverine enviroment in the town for both nature and people, too. In case of Litovel town flood protection plans count with building of the embankment system. However it is possible here to supplement the plans with suitable river revitalisation and better urban appearance. Similar situation seems to exist in the Bečva river where the flood protection plans have to be given into balance with the river revitalisation ...

Summary of project results

The main project target is to enforce a new attitude to rivers in urban areas. The attitude is based on interconnected solution that includes water management, urban and ecological aspects altogether. Involving all stakeholders into a preparation process of river maintenance in urban areas is an integral part of the project. Namely "Rivers for towns " has been focused on Olomouc and its rivers - the Morava and the Bystřice then on the Bečva river and its towns Přerov, Hranice and Lipník nad Bečvou and also on the Morava in the area of the Protected landscape area of Litovelské Pomoraví. In case of Olomouc municipal administration attitude has been successfully change in meaning of flood protection measures (PPO). For the first time flood protection measures on the Morava river will be solve in integral way including water management, urban and ecological functions altogether. To the change of view mainly contributed a civic initiative "Morava pro Olomouc" and its activities then The River Forum founding which includes official town work group and finally a communication with the river administrator. Olomouc Town using its own financial sources will place a creating of investment intention for the 3rd period of PPO. Thanks to the civic initiative implementing project for the 2nd B period of PPO on the Morava river has been supplemented with revitalize components that opens riverine zones for people. To support the Bystřice river protection thanks to the project a coalition of ecological NGOs named "Spojená Bečva" has been established. This coalition tries to achieve nature friendly flood protection measures and natural river appearance.Within the project many promotion events were organized (conferences, discussions, river cruises, excursions), expert studies (5x) has been created and information leaflets (5 types) has been published.

Summary of bilateral results