The project reflects the low capacity of Czech NGO´s for advocacy and monitoring of the rights of migrants. The aim of the project is to implement the advocacy and monitoring activities in the context of the mission of the Consortium, which is to promote transparent migration, asylum and integration policy that emphasizes the respect for human rights and socially fair society. The project aimes to increase civic participation of migrants and ensure pluralistic informing the public about the status of migrants in the CR / EU. It will strengthen the role of the Consortium and its 18 member organizations and promote the education of its members. The project will also strengthen the role of the Consortium as a strong opponent and a supporter of the rights of migrants to esp. public administration and political representation.
Summary of project results
The project reflected the need to improve availability of objective information about migrants and refugees, to support civic participation of migrants and to develop a dialogue with Czech political elites about immigration; also to improve the internal capacities of the Consortium. Project aimed to improve conditions for migrants living in the Czech Republic through political advocacy and communication with the public; to strengthen the role of the Consortium and its 18 member organisations as advocates of human rights and a partner of public institutions. The increasingly hostile climate toward migrants that prevailed during the project due to the influx of refugees into the EU was not foreseen in the application, but it actually allowed the Consortium to become a strong actor in the public sphere, as a sources of information and as a partner of public institutions and politicians, who were struggling to contain xenophobic public attitudes. We ran a Campaign for the acceptance of refugees and a Campaign for fair health insurance for all migrants with 2 publications printed. We also published the Migration Manifesto, which presented the common advocacy goals of Consortium’s members. There were: 14 press releases, 38 media appearances, 10 meetings with politicians and strategic partners and 5 migrants were involved in project activities. We also communicated through our website and social media accounts, attempting to improve public perception of migrants. Consortium also improved its internal functioning, cohesion and advocacy skills for its team and member organizations by holding a one-day training in lobbying and advocacy, holding 2 strategic planning sessions with and 10 regular meetings of working groups to exchange experience in social work, legal counselling, advocacy and media work.
Summary of bilateral results