Aim of the project is to strenghten participatory planning and decision-making in small towns of Plzen region. Project partners CpKP and IBF, together with representatives of involved municipalities, NGOs and civic iniciatives of three project towns will implement series of activities including i) development of Municipal Strategy for Communication and Citizens Involvement, ii) establishing new tools for communication with citizens and iii) implementing of public participation program in selected decision of the town. Another component of the project is education in public participation and sharing of best paractices.
Summary of project results
The overall goal of the project was to promote participatory democracy in planning and decision-making of 3 towns in Plzen region. Nepomuk, Stod and Horažďovice. Current state of involvement of citizens and citizens initiatives is such that it is happening on an ad hoc basis and always depends on actuall composition of local governments. In 3 project towns, the assessment of the current state of communication between local government and citizens was done at the begining of the project. Outcomes of this assessment were presented and discussed with town leaders together with advantages and reasons for strenghtening participatory approaches in the daily functioning of the town. In 3 project towns, the Strategy of the municipality for communication and co-operation with citizens was developed, new communication tools were implemented and selected existing communication tools were improved. In 3 project towns, public participation program in specific decision making was organized resulting in improved decisions 4 trainings for municipal emloyees, elected officials and citizens initiatives in public participation techniques including transfer of experiences from Norway were organized. There were organized 8 specific activities in order to involve citizens in selected decisions, 3 surveys in order to analyze current state communication of municipality with citizens, established 2 new and improved 3 existing communication tools. 28 municipal emlpoyees, elected officials and citizens initietives representatives were trained in public participation methods. 3 municipal strategies on communication and co-operation with citizens were developed. In all project cities the positive change of attitude towards participatory democracy can be seen.
Summary of bilateral results
The main contribution of Ideas Bank Foundation involvement in the project implementation was the sharing of information and knowledge about projects and methods of participatory democrady used in Norway. As IBF is working in other countries also, it was possible to obtain information about interesting practices in other countries and under different conditions. These informations were very valuable not only for project employees for planning of specific project activities and for all other employees of CCO, but also for representatives of project target groups. All participants of the workshop that was organized within the project appretiated opportunity to discuss their experiences, concerns and questions directly with Mrs. Paaby (IBF) who was able to provide them with feedback and new ideas how to deal with their specific issues. Information about participatory methods and approaches that are common part of public administration work in Norway or in other countries is very important for members of project target group. Also it is important that these information are delivered preferably directly by personal experience or at least by foreign expert/lector. This would not be possible without direct involvement of international partner. Involvement of international partner also contributed to increase visibility and understanding of importance of the issue project was dealing with (participatory democracy on local level) in the project communities in the Czech Republic.