The objective of the project is through educational, motivating, supporting and encouraging activities to contribute to increasing the participation of women in decision-making and management roles and to contribute to the expansion of preventive and follow-up services for women at risk of violence. One part of the activities is focused on educating and increasing awareness among the general public in the field of equal opportunities and violence based on gender diversity. The project is based on the cooperation of entities operating in these areas and will be implemented in different locations in the region of Vysočina. One of the outputs will be a publication presenting stories of successful women.
Summary of project results
Implementation of the project confirmed the difficult situation in the Vysočina region, which is strongly stuck in gender stereotypes and myths concerning violence against women. Strong reactions of most of the participants demonstrated its tremendous need for education and increased awareness, and a great urgency to change this situation. The project was very useful because the activities were comprehensive and accessible. The main objectives were focused on two areas - equal opportunities and violence against women. A prerequisite for achieving the objectives was close cooperation with a number of organizations and other entities. Sharing our own experiences was a strong motivation and support, the multiplier effect was achieved mainly due to the open sharing of personal story of our coordinator Against Violence, who is legally recognized victim of violence. An extraordinary achievement was publishing the publication where personal stories of successful and (un) ordinary women have been shared openly. Very successful was the interdisciplinary collaboration, a large number of experts and organizations were engaged. A change in approach - finding a solution by “grassroots women”, offering a safe and friendly atmosphere along with contacts to specialized bodies make NGOs providing programs for families to be a great "crossroads" and informed partner. The project was of great importance for our region because it reflected the specifics of the region and worked with stereotypes and "traditional" values.208 women entered the project, 214 people were addressed in the lectures. Massive impact on the public was provided on the International Day against Violence against Women on November 25, 2015. The main benefits we see in raising awareness and better understanding, increased service availability and greater motivation and support for participation in decision-making and managerial roles.
Summary of bilateral results