The aim of the project is to increase the share of women in decision-making positions in the Czech Republic and professionalization of Business &Professional Women Praha II. We will launch a mentoring programme EMPOWERING WOMEN for 580 women aspiring to executive management positions in the Czech Republic. In parallel to the programme we will implement a communication campaign addressing the issues of pay gap between women and men and equal access of women to decision making processes.
Summary of project results
The share of women in decision-making positions in the Czech Republic is far below the European average, despite of the fact it has been proven, that diversity can significantly benefit business, lead to greater stability, to make better decisions, more open communication, better use of talent and higher profitability. The aim of the project was to contribute to increase the share of women in authority and decision-making, and the stabilization and expansion of the activities of NGOs. In parallel the massive campaign for equal opportunities with emphasis on equal pay was realized. The project had very intense impact on the target group, significantly enhance the core competencies and thus increase the chances of progress in decision-making positions. Of the 70 selected women participating in the annual project program, 71% of them decided for their business start up, because their conditions from previous job were inconvenient - do not allow them good work-life balance. 29% of women prefer to return to work and try to advance their career, despite they grow children up to 15 years. Three participants developed one common company, one participant got a job in the company of one of the mentors. The project also has a wide social impact for the implementation of gender mainstreaming principles with an emphasis on equal pay. The campaign participated women from the target group, but also employers and the general public. The project contributed significantly to the strategic development and sustainability of the organization.
Summary of bilateral results