Taking full advantage of a new civil code tool –Supporter actively is a goal of each project activity. Thanks to the creation of the pattern for contract of support and creation of a position of professional supporter (consultant), we will be able to prevent certain persons from legal capacity limitation and the limitation of others will be cancel. The supporter is a possibility how to help individuals with mental disability terminate e.g. credit contracts, insurance contracts or contracts with mobile service providers, which above mentioned ones, are not able to anticipate and work to their disadvantage. Thanks to conclusion of a contract of support many people with mental disability will be able to remain citizens with full legal responsibility and lead successful lives.
Summary of project results
The purpose of the project was to prevent reduction of legal capacity of people with mental disability. There is 36 500 persons with such limitation in the Czech Republic. By the means of the Civil Code 2014, the paradigm change of the attitude towards decision making of people with mental disability was implemented into Czech legal system, as it is declared in Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Within the frame of the project we have created a shape of Support Contract with our organization in the role of supporter and a person with mental disability as the supported. We have written a directive describing professional supporter’s position, his activities and the way of solving issues with a client. We have also provided support to 28 people, mainly when making financial decisions. With 14 of them we have cooperated for a long time. 7 persons have signed the Support Contract and 2 of the contracts have already been authorized by court. The cooperation has long-term and sustainable character and the position of professional supporter would be maintained after the end of the project. Even though we are not talking about such high numbers, we consider it as a good result, because only 241 contracts of support were approved in entire Czech Republic by 2015. We have been promoting the support against legal capacity reduction intensively - towards families of people with mental disability, as well as towards institutions, courts and supporters. We have also taken part in activities of other organizations in the Czech Republic, who deal with this issue and we are going to continue with the cooperation in future.
Summary of bilateral results