The project "Let's live healthily - it goes easily!" introduces a comprehensive communication campaign that aims to form a playful educational programme for children of primary school age (6-12 years), their teachers and their parents (the general public) with the principles of efficient energy use in buildings as procedures to achieve a healthy indoor environment in buildings. Partial campaign activities are interconnected by a common horizontal theme, which promotes sustainable development and responsible forming public attitudes towards the environment. The aim of the project is to create a communication channel that contribute to increase of awareness of the general public not only about building and living in a passive standard, but the Sustainable development in general. The net effect of the project will be to extend healthy life and a significant reduction energy consumption in the tertiary sector (ie. households and services), reducing greenhouse gas emissions and overall friendly approach to the environment.
Summary of project results
The project originated as a response to long-skeptical attitude of Czech public towards energy efficient buildings and the related myths that these houses are complicated to build and operate. The project showed that the issue of the energy efficient buildings is understandable for children, and successfully overcomes one of the biggest barriers of more widespread energy-efficient buildings - a low public awareness of the this issue. The main objective of the project " Let's live healthily - it goes easily!" was to show that energy-efficient homes are simple and smart solution for healthy living, and thus contribute to raising awareness and shaping a responsible attitude to the environment among children of 1st to 9th classes of primary school and their parents and teachers. Thanks to the project there was created a comprehensive training program and enlightened the huge target group on the issue of the healthy and energy-friendly buildings and showed the ways of the appropriate solutions, which inspire to implement the changes into their lives, to improve the quality of living and to promote sustainable development. The project had great positive influence and impact on an attitude and an awareness of the Czech public about energy savings, healthy way of life in Czech households, reduction of the future energy consumption in the buildings and a reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions, which has an impact on more friendly approach to the environment.
Summary of bilateral results