Montagu’s Harrier is a rare raptor species whose nesting habitat in the Czech Republic is crop fields where harvesting threatens unfledged young. The aim of the project is to protect the endangered Montagu’s Harrier through the active involvement of the farming community. Protective measures will be implemented at identified nesting sites. The project’s target group includes farmers, environmentally focused NGOs, and nature protection authorities alike. An education pamphlet describing Montagu’s Harrier protection will be published and distributed to all target groups. The direct output of the project will be the distribution of 350 pamphlets to stakeholders and the rescue of 40 Montagu’s Harrier nests. In addition, a project website will be established to serve as both an important source of information on the species itself as well as the methodological framework for the target group. The project is meant to be realized without any partnership.
Summary of project results
The Montagu's Harrier is a raptor species that has been in decline in most European countries. Two decades ago the breeding pair numbers used to be estimated at 20-40 pairs in the Czech Republic. At present, thanks to active protection the numbers have been estimated at about 200 pairs. The species is listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive, in the Czech Republic it is protected by law in the „highly endangered“ category. Since most of the population in the Czech Republic breeds in agricultural crops, the species is very vulnerable due to the loss of eggs and young during harvesting. For this reason we undertook a project aimed at protection of Montagu's Harrier nests and education among target groups. The project has yielded long-term results. Sustainability of the project is ensured by implemented measures as well as by other follow-up activities. The main aims were to stabilise the breeding population of the Montagu's Harrier in the area of interest, to raise awareness of target groups (land owners and users) concerning status of the species and methods of its conservation, to increase knowledge of professional conservationists and to analyse conservation methods used. Data on breeding distribution and biology of the Montagu's Harrier in the Czech Republic were analysed. A database application, used for evidence and analysis of data and for subsequent preparation of the publication and presentation of the project, was developed. During the breeding season, field work aimed at localisation and protection of the nests and negotiations with land users were carried out. Altogether 55 breeding pairs of the Montagu's Harrier were recorded, nests were found in 35 of them (other nests were predated). In localities with recorded nests, education of land users was implemented. The book „Montagu's Harrier“ (298 pages, 350 copies) was published and distributed free of charge among target groups. It received a good response from the public. Project web pages were prepared, summarising results of the project as well as information on distribution of the species and methods of its conservation. All planned target groups were involved in the project, either during protection of nests in the field (farmers) or during dissemination of knowledge on the species distribution and conservation (experts, state administration). Becoming informed on practical conservation of the species and new scientific findings was an important benefit of the project for all target groups.
Summary of bilateral results