Pisek world - open for citizens

Project facts

Project promoter:
Civic Association Píseks World
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Young adults
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 45,259
The project is carried out in:
Jihočeský kraj


Many projects focus on how to establish and maintain relationships between activists and reporters, how to "break" the media. Our project goes on - it says: Citizens, let´s create and control your media yourself. Let´s link up the public activities with their immediate media coverage. There is only one private weekly newspaper and one daily newspaper in our town, home to 30,000 people. Those, due to limited space and interest in obtaining commercial and political advertising, do not provide enough space for the activities of the non-profit sector. The media industry is mainly dominated by the logic of profit and capital accumulation and political influence and propaganda is growing stronger in media. According to us, the solution lies in non-profit civil society media. The aim of the project is to verify the concept of such a medium, connecting the printed (monthly) and electronic (web) form. Other activities include organizing public meetings of citizens and politicians, including two walks with architects.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was to upgrade and verify the concept of civil society non-profit media connecting various forms (paper and electronic) incl. interconnection with other public activities, to verify its viability in the local civil society and provide this concept to candidates (local citizen initiatives) from other cities / regions. The project followed previous years of activity O.s. Písecký svět in public space of town of Pisek and the surrounding region. It worked with identified potential for expansion and innovation activities to support and mobilize the local civil society. The key element of the project was to create respectively innovate a regional model of community media linked with other public space activities together with citizen. Following activities were implemented in the project: operating contact point for citizens and NGOs; innovation and operating a community web sites; creation and publishing of monthly printed civil newspapers; creation, release, promotion and distribution of know-how package for the creation and operation of civil media; organizing public debates and discussion meetings with local politicians and citizens; and organizing public walks with architects and discussions about town urbanism. We managed to innovate and fundamentally improve the quality of governance and community web PISECKYSVET.CZ. Other local active citizens, representatives of NGOs were involved into making contributions to the web portal and printed journal. The electronic manual Know-How package for the development and operation of local community media was created and distributed to similar civic initiatives throughout the country. 8 public meetings reflecting current topics of public interest and the development of public space were organized. Project activities enlarged the possibilities of communication and information on matters of public interest, civil society and the voluntary sector at the local level for all target groups.

Summary of bilateral results