Help and support for victims of gender-based violence

Project facts

Project promoter:
proFem – Consulting Centre for Women´s Projects
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Victims of intimate-partner violence
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 75,274
The project is carried out in:


The project responds to the needs of victims of sexual and domestic violence in Prague and Central Bohemia. The Czech Republic has no specialized centers that would provide free complex psychological and legal assistance to victims of sexual and domestic violence. There is limited access to legal assistance for victims of domestic and sexual violence, lack of protection and lack of trained professionals and experts. The aim of the project is to provide complex and free support to victims of violence by establishing a counseling center in Prague and two branches of Intervention Centre proFem. Furthermore, we will establish an interdisciplinary cooperation among the entities that work with victims of sexual and domestic violence, carry out information campaign for the general and expert public about the availability of services for victims and informing victims about their rights.

Summary of project results

The project responded to the lack of consultant services for victims of domestic violence in Central Bohemia and to the missing consultant services for victims of sexual violence in Central Bohemia and Prague. ProFem extended the counselling service for victims of domestic violence to the towns Beroun and Benešov. ProFem established a new counselling service for victims of sexual violence in Prague, Příbram, Benešov and Beroun including critical intervention, psychosocial and therapeutic assistance and legal aid. An interdisciplinary cooperation between experts working with the victims of domestic and sexual violence has increased an awareness of experts about these issues. The assistance to victims has become better and more efficient. ProFem extended counselling service for victims of domestic violence and established quite new counselling service for victims of sexual violence. ProFem provided counselling services to 207 victims of domestic or sexual violence in terms of project. ProFem newly established or extended 3 services for victims of domestic or sexual violence. Profem organized 7 interdisciplinary meeting in the issues of sexual violence and 8 interdisciplinary meeting in the issues of domestic violence. By the establishing of comprehensive, free and approachable assistance to victims of sexual violence an empty spot was filled. By the region extending of counselling service to victims of domestic violence the assistance to victims is well approachable. By the development of interdisciplinary cooperation the awareness of experts working with the victims of violence has increased and a secondary victimization of victims has been reduced. Interdisciplinary meetings contributed to the good connection of services for victims. The assistance to victims has become faster and more efficient thanks to them.

Summary of bilateral results