Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Promotion of Women’s Career Growth

Project facts

Project promoter:
Gender Studies, o.p.s.
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 66,030
The project is carried out in:


The aim of the project is to promote women’s career growth and to offer legal consultancy to women discriminated against at the labor market based on their gender. Project activities focus on education, personal development and motivation of women aspiring to decision-making positions, including 50+ women and women on maternal/parental leave. Other target groups are employers (motivating them to systematically work on the development of female talents among their employees) and lay public (informing them about the problem of glass ceiling women often face in their career growth).

Summary of project results

The project was implemented primarily because of the need to address the unequal position of women on the Czech labour market. It focused on particular aspects of supporting career development of women, because women must contend with numerous barriers that prevent them from achieving success in their professional life. These barriers can be internal (such as lack of confidence) or external (for example employer discriminating female employees, or gender stereotypes regarding women's capacity to be a leader). Project activities were focused on solving both of these areas. Workshops for women were developed and organised in order to learn technics how to break the glass ceiling barriers in their careers. We also run legal service for women who face discrimination at work based on their gender and/or maternity status. In order to achieve equal chances of career advancement, it was necessary to match employers with the idea of promoting equal opportunities in practice. But they also need to know how to do it. Therefore, we organized a seminar for them, where they got acquainted with concrete measures to support the career development of women and methods of good practice examples how to implement these measures. Based on their experience and needs, we have prepared a practical manual. We managed to attract employers also through competition Company of the Year: Equal Opportunities, we held to reward the best companies with the best programs. It is a positive signal for other companies, but also for the general public, that employers are taking the problem of unequal status of women seriously. The accompanying information campaign helped us to explain the issue more in depth. The project had a major impact on employers as well. 38 representatives from employers' organizations, mostly private companies, participated in training the techniques of planning and implementation of measures to support the career development of women in practice.

Summary of bilateral results