Through women's eyes

Project facts

Project promoter:
'Centrum komunitní práce Ústí nad Labem'
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 32,879
The project is carried out in:
Ústecký kraj


Through women's eyes will support increased participation of women in power and decision-making, political and economic. The objective is to achieve changes in awareness and attitudes towards the project topic for representatives of target groups, especially for general public. It will create a methodology and a guide of positive communicating of proportion of women in power and decision making, in the region will be this topic accentuated primarily in the wider public/ week of equal opportunities, gender pay gap day, two think thanks, 2 workshops, a national information campaign- thematic exhibition.

Summary of project results

The issue of the proportion of women in power and decision-making was little or inappropriately communicated and was stigmatized and connected with a long line of false myths and prejudices. General public was not informed sufficiently about basic topics dealing with the proportion of women in power and decision-making not on political or economical level. From the long perspective the goal was achieved. Within the activities of the project were addressed directly to the 90 participants and repeatedly up to 8,000 recipients. Others were addressed by exhibitions which took place at 6 locations. Due to the uniform and humorous graphics the beneficiaries of the project have basic information about the project topic, the topic was revived, consulted and partly off-stigmatized. To support awareness-raising , myths and prejudice disproving, particular activities were secured as a part of project and positive information materials were distributed. Exhibition of 10 myths, puzzles, shirts, badges, stickers, which had been transferred and distributed a total amount of 5 x 8.000 recipients. Workshops - 3x, Thin tanks - 2x, cultural program - 3, with the participation of about 90 participants.

Summary of bilateral results