The project will help wheelchair users with spinal cord injury achieve fulfillment of their right to self-realization, education, employment and the right to freedom of movement, despite their handicap. The project aims to inform wheelchair users of their rights, strengthen their knowledge and skills needed to demand their rights and provide support to wheelchair users facing breach of their right with reach rectification.Through key activities (information service, individual counseling and assistance service) will support a total of 970 wheelchair users with spinal cord injury. The project will strengthen the capacity of the organization through fundraising.
Summary of project results
Wheelchair users after spinal cord injury find themselves in new life situation, in which is very hard to get oriented. During their adaptation to handicap and also during further life they face difficult access to their rights. The goal of the project was to help wheelchair users achieved, despite the handicap, fulfillment of their right to self-realization, education, employment and the right to free mobility. Mainly trough support of their access to legitimate tools for handicap compensation guaranteed by Czech Republic legislation and via the system changes in fields, where the legislation setting was unfavorable. The complete information materials was created, which help wheelchair users to orientate in huge amount of new information and help them to use all accessible tools for handicap compensation and get back to the active life. Supported clients reached handicap compensation in various fields and their access to the rights has become stronger. The importance of education and support of clients when dealings with offices and institutions were confirmed as prevention rights breach. Beside individual rights breach rectification streak, we consider as key project success an enforcement of Social services act modification, which removes disability allowance grant delay during hospitalization. Big positive influence had also the case of the health insurance company, which, after CZEPA intervention, backed away divest of allotted wheelchairs.
Summary of bilateral results