The project helps pupils understand the importance of respect for human rights and of prevention of extremism. The axis is creation of film clips by students about situations where certain fundamental human rights and freedoms come into conflict with each other. Lectures on human rights, extremism and media will be provided for students of these schools.Included are also seminars for teachers to help them orientate themselves within the topic of extremism and to deal with problems that may occur at school.The project culminates in a conference for students and teachers dealing with this issue.
Summary of project results
The project focused at the importance of respecting human rights and freedoms. Target groups were pupils and students aged 13 to 19 and their teachers. Total 17 films have been created in 6 schools during the project. 15 public debates took place with expert speakers for each film and in November 2015 a three-day international student conference took place, from which proceedings have been published. The clips are accompanied by expert texts and methodology on how to work with them in the classroom. Students were encouraged to adopt their own attitudes based on the information they receive, to express them and to justify them. Their citizenship literacy was encouraged and they were inspired to actively impact their surroundings through their actions. They are able to multiplicate project to other students. Teachers have acquired the knowledge and skills to implement the above objectives into practice with their students and aplicate it on actual topics. We consider the greatest accomplishment of the project to be involvement of entire schools in the project, of the teachers and students, their cooperation with public servants and experts and engaging a broader community through public debates. Furthermore the activation of students towards carrying out their own human rights projects, where they also involved their classmates and teachers.
Summary of bilateral results