The Amnesty International Living Library – With Openness Through Reading

Project facts

Project promoter:
Amnesty International Česká republika, o.s.
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 47,004
The project is carried out in:
Ústecký kraj


The project is aimed at sensitization and addressing and confronting attitudes of pupils and students of primary and secondary schools to people who are frequent targets of discrimination or prejudice. This will be done in the form of project days, culminating in an interview session with the so-called "human books" - representatives of the groups to which stereotypes exist (Roma, homosexuals, foreigners etc.). The second part of the project consists of human rights seminars for teachers, lecturers and living books to multiplicate the project.

Summary of project results

Lately the social environment in Czech society is getting worse as intolerance, hatred, xenophobia and racism are increasing. The project has aimed to change the approach towards minorities and the focused groups were pedagogues, pupils and students as they are considered to be the key towards decrease tensions. During the seminars 45 pedagogues were introduced to the topic of human rights and issues of stereotypes, discrimination and racism. More than 600 pupils/students gained new knowledge and skills in the area of human rights and were able to take a stand towards the members of minorities based on personal experience with them. But number of pedagogues and pupils/students reached during the project is much higher thanks to our new websites: web about human rights for teachers, guide for a teacher who witnesses the intolerance, and web for students with the aim of mobilization of students throughout various activities. 15 project days with Human Library took place in primary and secondary schools as well as in drop out centers. Workshops at schools were lectured by 20 trained lecturers. Lecturers consider their learning process very useful and want to continue in education of other people in human right issues. We acquired 24 new Human Books, representatives of minorities, who are willing to share their stories and experience with prejudices and discrimination. Furthermore, web about human rights for teachers and web for students were produced. The important outcome of the project is also the manual of Human Library, which are we going to use in our following activities.

Summary of bilateral results

Partner took part on sharing and consultation of used know how in the frame of long term cooperation started by the previous project and continued by pilot phase of Living libraries and seminars for teachers. Living libraries‘ know-how was redesigned based on the needs of this project. In September 2014 the seminar on monitoring, evaluation and interactive education techniques took place. This seminar took part of longer seminar in Ljubljana. This seminar fulfilled beneficiary’s needs so he can implement new skills and information to the methodologies of impact measurement in Czech Republic. Partner was not involved in the transfer of know-how of lectors’ skills to work in schools as much as it was planned. The reason was the fact that the beneficiary’s need for the direct transfer of know-how or special training written in the application had passed. Partnership basically fulfilled described expectations. During the project it became clear that the intensity of cooperation, which was smaller than we originally expected, met the requirements of the project. We positively evaluate the flexibility and ability of partner to connect training and skill share with workshops, where was space for sharing know-how not only with AI Norway, but also with other countries (Amnesty International national sections in Europe). Certain space to improve cooperation with foreign partner (in case of some future project) we see in the field of promotion of the project (still publicity stunt was successful at least within the international movement – on the meetings, Skype calls and Internet). n the end the project partner did not come to see the Czech project due to lack of capacity and time on the Norwegian partner side. In 2015 regular Skype consultations were going on. In June 2015 a possibility to participate in the training organized by AI Norway was offered under the complementary grant.