The project goal is to respond to intercultural tensions and to increase offer of activities for students, especially in the pedagogical field and contribute to higher foreknowledge. The project aims to eliminate prejudice and myths regarding Romani people through the offer of workshops, discussions, presentations of successful Romani people and by organizing a photo exhibition. A partial goal is participation of Romani people in the realization of these activities. There will be 20 workshops, 12 discussions for students, 3 exhibitions and a brochures of successful Romani people.
Summary of project results
The primary goal of the project was to increase the offer of education activities for students of basic schools, high schools, universities, particularly students of pedagogical field of study. The aim was to educate and spread the information about the Roma community and to eliminate the prejudices and stereotypes or myths about them. We managed to offer three-level workshop to basic school´s students and two level discussions for future pedagogical and social workers. During the project duration we have realized 36 educational activities. The secondary goal of the project was engagement of the Roma community into all activities. We have issued the brochure about positive Roma examples, by means of that we supported the public in positive thinking about Roma community (distribution of the brochure was in schools and vernissages). The brochure was also distributed to Roma children and youth, by means of that we support them in creating the positive role models and empower their own value. We have realized the photo workshop for children and youth, the outcome of the project was presented in four exhibitions for general public. Children actively participated in realization of exhibition. They have learnt a long-term work, how to finish the work and their self-value was empowered. By realization of this activity the awareness about the Roma community in Olomouc city has improved.
Summary of bilateral results