Czech nature is rich and diverse but also contains many vulnerable species. These species need active protection. A document called an action plan contains guidelines for nature conservation authorities, researches and owners of land how to maintain endangered species populations. It is a special tool which provides complex knowledge about species and recommends the measures how to support the species. The project is about implementation of the measures. The Aeculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) is a specially protected species therefore the “Action Plan for Aeculapian Snake” was prepared in the year 2008. The project meets the target of the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. The main objective of the project is the implementation of the action plan by habitats management in the Poohří area, Hornohradské údolí site, one of the three areas of occurrence of the species. The project outcome is increasing the species habitat quality. The project outputs are management of habitats by regular maintenance and building of breeding grounds, care about old walls, building shelters, care of old fruit trees. Project will also include part of publicity. The target group of the project is primarily species and nature-conservation authorities. Secondarily, the protection and connected activities will carry out awareness-raising the general public via education.
Summary of project results
The Aeculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) is a specially protected species therefore the “Action Plan for Aeculapian Snake” was prepared in the year 2008. The project meets the target of the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. The main objective of the project is the implementation of the action plan by habitats management in the Poohří area, Hornohradské údolí site, one of the three areas of occurrence of the species. Care about the hatcheries (maintenance or reconstruction) is a crucial activity to support Reproduction of the Aeculapian Snake in Poohri. Wall care, building of shelters from the level wood and fruit tree care has greatly contributed to increasing shelter offerings for this critically endangered species. The Hornohradské Valley is situated on the edge of the Poohří district and can significantly affect the expansion of the Aeculapian Snake site and thus contribute to the fulfillment objectives of the rescue program. Aeculapian Snake finds confirm the positive effect made measures, the impact on local biodiversity (reptiles, insects, mammals) Within the project, 3 existing hatcheries were treated and 2 new hatcheries were built. Cleaning of the walls on 4 localities was carried out. Total mowed area was 1.2 ha. There were 10 simple shelters made of straight wood for snakes. 681 fruit trees were treated in the vicinity of the Horní hrad. All work under this measure has been successfully completed. The project ended on 30 April 2017. All planned activities were completed.
Summary of bilateral results