Support to the European Ground Squirrel within the action program for the habitat at the airport Raná

Project facts

Project promoter:
Aeroklub Raná u Loun
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 13,594
The project is carried out in:
Ústecký kraj


The European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) is a specially protected species in the Czech Republic. Over the past 60 years there has been a massive decline in the European Ground Squirrel in the Czech Republic. In 2015 the incidence of European Ground Squirrel was confirmed in only 35 localities. The greatest impact on the negative frequency of the syllables was the transformation of the landscape and the farming method and genetic isolation of the colonies. The main objective of the project is the implementation of the action plan by management of grasslands in the area of willage Aeroklub Raná u Loun, one of the areas of the species occurrence. The species thrives best in open grassland landscapes, including steppe and pasture lands. The project outcome will focus on increasing the quality of species habitat through regular management of grasslands in the Raná u Loun area. The species' grassland habitats need regular maintenance as it favors short grass heights. Causes of endangered: The loss of suitable biotopes (eg due to grassland lagging or field merging into larger units), the isolation of populations which due to can not occur necessary metapopulation dynamics , the lack of maintenance of low grassland. Appropriate management for the European Ground Squirrelis to maintain a short grassland (ideally not exceeding 15 cm in height over the seasonal activity of these animals). If the grass is over 15cm, the animals will lose sight of the surrounding environment and become very vulnerable to predators. The project will also include a publicity part. Secondarily, the protection and connected activities will carry out the awareness-raising in the general public via education.

Summary of project results

The European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) is specially protected species whose “Action Plan for European Ground Squirrel” was prepared in the year 2007. The project meets the target of the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. The project focused on implementing the action plan by management of grasslands in the Raná area, one of the areas of the species occurrence. The project outcome was increasing of the quality of species habitat. The project output was quality and regular management of grassland in Raná area. An essential activity for the management of the site was maintaining the sward height (2-15cm) in the steppe character. For these purposes, were fixed, thanks to a grant from the EEA funds Zetor 7211 and the reaper with great breadth. This enabled quick mowing of the whole locality and thus met the high demands of maintaining the habitat The project succeeded in stabilizing the species population in Raná area; according to the PLA personnel who conduct regular censuses of the species the population in the area has a solid headcount, which has helped stabilize the population and provided a good basis for protecting the species. At present the population of European Ground Squirrel at airport has over several hundred individuals. The project also included a publicity component, which was creating a websites. In 2014, 98 individuals were observed during regular summer monitoring. In 2015 it was standard methodology counted 109 individuals. During the monitoring in 2016, a total of 124 individuals were observed. In the overall context it can be deduced that it is a stable population that is further strengthened by regular mowing, which facilitates the movement of syllables. The project habitat area is 428 175 m2 large.

Summary of bilateral results