The study and preparation of technical documents for protection of Tiger Moths (Watsonarctia casta, Chelis maculosa) in 2015/2016

Project facts

Project promoter:
Czech Society for Butterfly and Moth Conservation
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 13,847
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


Czech nature is rich and diverse but there is a list of endangered species. Measures are framed in documents giving basic information and instructions how to treat the most endangered species. Such a document, usually for a species, less often for a group, is called an “action plan“. It is suitable for a limited group of species meeting the requirements. For some species it is necessary to decide first if they are appropriate or not. New information is needed. Both species of Tiger moths (Watsonarctia casta, Chelis maculosa) are specially protected species therefore an expert document for a decision on the need to prepare their action plan was recommended in the Czech conception document. Project meets the target of the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. The main objective of the project is treatment of expert document as necessary basis for nature-conservation authorities to start active protection of Tiger moths species. Project aims to confirm the species occurrence in the Czech Republic, including a literature review and field survey. Project outcomes are improving knowledge of Tiger moths occurrence and preparation of the expert document. The majority of measures of the project consists of field research and gathering published data regarding the species leading to precise and complex creation of expert document. Project outputs are review of the literature and information sources including research of collections, identifying historic sites and data. Field will be mapped and monitored at known sites and potential areas of occurrence, the records will be inserted into “Occurrence database of nature conservation”. The project includes part of publicity and beyond scientific presentations and two field workshops. The target group of the project is primarily the Ministry of the Environment and agencies. Secondarily, conservation and connected activities will carry out the awareness-raising in the general public via education.

Summary of project results

The aim of this project was to: 1) update the knowledge concerning occurrence of these two endangered species and the knowledge concerning their habitat preferences, 2) develop new species action plans and management plans concerning localities with their occurrence. The project was conceived as an expert study concerning the overall literature search, collection search, datasets/file search, identification of historical localities, floristic and ecological revision and systematic mapping of both formerly known and newly selected localities with possible occurrence of the two species. As the basis for estimating the biotope preference of both species, the occurrence data collected in the terrain of the project was extended to variables describing the biotope. Since the data collection methodology was focused on different stages of occurrence (imaga, caterpillars), we only used data for presence or absenteeism on the site. For mapping and monitoring of both species, 83 map fields from the Czech Republic were selected as a combination of historical occurrences, data and backgrounds associated with the high representation of the xerotherm assumed or the structure of the corresponding habitats according to the current knowledge. Specifically, for Chelis maculosa it was 42 map fields and Watsonarctia casta 78 fields (more than required by the project). Some map fields were the same for both types. At least two locations were tested and inspected in each mapfield. Altogether 96 sites (245 locations) were checked for field use for Chelis maculosa and 176 sites (284 sites) for Watsonarctia casta.The occurrence of Chelis maculosa was positively correlated with a T3.3A biotope mosaic (Sub-Pannoniosteppic grasslands, 6240*), K3 (Tallmesic and xeric scrub) and T6.1A (Acidophilous vegetion of vernaltherophytes and suculents, 8230), negatively with X4 (permanent agricultural cultures), none of the host or dominant plant species had a significant influence. Watsonarctia casta was found on a larger scale of biotopes, namely from grass T8.1A (Dry lowland and colline heaths, 5130), to all T3 (Dry grasslands) and to T3.5B (Acidophilous dry grasslands, 6210). The specie occurrence was negatively influenced by by following biotopes: S1.2 (Chasmophytic vegetation of siliceous cliffs and boulder screans) and „-1“ (urban areas or similar anthropogenic locations).

Summary of bilateral results