Czech nature is rich and diverse but there is a list of endangered species. An intense help is framed in documents giving basic information and instructions how to treat the most endangered species. Such a document called an “action plan” is approved by Ministry of the Environment and conservation authorities, researches and owners of land use it as the guidelines how to maintain species populations. The Eastern pasque flower (Pulsatilla patens) is a specially protected species therefore the preparation of its action plan was recommended by the conceptional document. Project meets the target of the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. The main objective of the project is preparation of the “Action Plan for Eastern Pasque Flower”. As a part of the project the current species occurrence including field research sites and genetic variability will be studied. The project outcomes are the improving of knowledge of occurrence of eastern pasque flower and the preparation of its action plan. Majority of measures of the project consists of a field research of the species occurrence and a study of genetic variability will be done leading to the action plan to be more precise and complex. The project outputs are to write down a summary of locations of the species occurrence throughout the country, monitoring of its presence in the field and new knowledge from study results. The target activity is writing and compilation of the action-plan text. Project includes publicity. The target group of the project is primarily a species and the Ministry of the Environment. Secondarily, the protection and connected activities will carry out the influence over the general public via education. There’s no project partner from donor countries only a local partner: Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening („VÚKOZ“). The partner will contribut to the project by its expertise and experience.
Summary of project results
This project aimed at preparing an action plan for the Eastern Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens). It is listed as a critically endangered species in Decree of the Ministry of the Environment 395/1992 Coll. It is also listed as critically endangered (C1t) in the Red List of Vascular Plants of the Czech Republic (Grulich 2012). Given the major decline in historical sites and reduction in populations at existing sites, an action plan was proposed to rescue the plant in the Czech Republic, which was the main objective of this project. The objectives and measures implemented in the action plan will contribute to the preservation of the species in the Czech Republic. Activities within the Project Monitoring of Populations of Pulsatilla patens Regular monitoring of the species is an important activity which allows us to follow the development of the populations of this species at the relevant sites as well as throughout the Czech Republic. Monitoring was carried out in the vegetative season in 2015 and 2016 at all sites where the species occurs, consisting of counting the blooming bunches (or non-blooming bunches), identifying the condition of the plants (damage by nibbling, pests, etc.) and assessing the habitat condition. Genetic Variability Analysis An analysis using the Simple Sequence Repeat method was made with 160 plants of Pulsatilla patens and the Pulsatilla × hackelii (P. patens × P. pratensis subsp. bohemica) hybrids. The samples were taken from 6 sites. Preparation of the Action Plan Draft The draft of the action plan has been prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for the Preparation of Action Plans and Management Plans for Specially Protected Plant Species (MoE & AOPK CR 2014: Concept of Action Plans and Management Plans for Endangered Animal and Plant Species in the Czech Republic. The objectives and measures implemented in the action plan will contribute to the preservation of the species in the Czech Republic. Professional Review of the Action Plan Draft The completed draft of the Action Plan was submitted for review by two experts. The comments from the reviewers were subsequently addressed and the proposed changes were incorporated into the revised version of the Action Plan. The summary of the action plan for the Eastern Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens) can be found here. Publicity Introductory and closing informational seminars were held as part of the project publicity. Promotional materials were also created – the Pairs game, trays, notepads and scarves.
Summary of bilateral results