Action Plan for Lady Bells (Adenophora liliifolia)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 21,049
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


Czech nature is rich and diverse but there is a list of endangered species. An intense help is framed in documents giving basic information and instructions how to treat the most endangered species - “action plan”, which is suitable for a limited group of species meeting the requirements. For some species new information is needed first. Lady bells (Adenophora liliifolia) is specially protected species therefor the preparation of its action plan was recommended by conceptual document. Project meets target of the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. The main objective of the project is preparation of the management-document “Action Plan for Lady Bells”. As a part of the project current occurrence of species will be studied including field research of sites and methods of cultivation ex situ. The project outcomes are improving of knowledge of lady-bells occurrence and preparation of its action plan as guidlines on treating the species for nature-conservation authorities, NGOs and other institutions. Majority of measures of the project consists of field research and three studies - germination tests, studies of genetic variation and preparation of methodology of in-vitro cultivation of the species - leading to the action plan to be more precise and complex. The project outputs are review of locations of the species occurrence throughout the country and monitoring of presence in the field as well as new knowledge from results of the three studies. The target activity is writing and compilation of the action-plan text. Project will also include part of publicity. The target group of the project is primarily the Ministry of the Environment. Secondarily, the protection and connected activities will influence the public via education. There are three local partners: University of Hradec Králové, Palacky University Olomouc, Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, contributing to the project by their expertise and experience.

Summary of project results

The Lilyleaf Ladybells (Adenophora liliifolia) is a specially protected plant species listed in Decree 395/1992 Coll. as a critically endangered species. In the Red List of Vascular Plants of the Czech Republic (Grulich 2012) it is classified in the C1b category. With respect to the decline in historical sites, the low number of recent sites and the decrease in populations of this species at recent sites, an action plan was proposed in order to preserve the species in the Czech Republic. The preparation of a new action plan for Adenophora liliifolia included research activities necessary to obtain the underlying documents and for subsequent preparation of the action plan itself. Detailed monitoring of populations and habitat conditions was carried out at all the recent sites where this species occurs. The germination capacity tests and growth experiments with germinated plants provided information about the possibilities of generative reproduction of this species. A genetic variability study was also carried out, enabling the assessment of the current condition of the genetic variability and relation between the populations which occur in the Czech Republic and those which occur the neighbouring countries. The project also included preparation of the methodology of in vitro rescue cultivation for the species. In vitro procedures for micro-propagation, i.e., reproductive cloning in explantate cultures, are a suitable conservation method for endangered genotypes and an effective reproduction method. The text of the action plan has been prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for the Preparation of Action Plans for Specially Protected Plant Species given in Annex VI to the Concept of Action Plans and Management Plans for Endangered Animal and Plant Species in the Czech Republic. The first part is a summary of knowledge of the biology and ecology of the species obtained from research done as part of the project, and professional resources. Objectives of the action plan are then defined, together with individual measures. The text was reviews by two professionals.

Summary of bilateral results