Czech nature is rich and diverse but there is a list of endangered species. An intense help is framed in documents giving basic information and instructions how to treat the most endangered species. Such a document is called an “action plan”. An action plan is a special tool which contains complex knowledge of species and recommends measures how to support it. The Natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita) is specially protected species therefor the preparation of its action plan was recommended by the “Conception of Action Plans and Management Plans for Specially Protected Species of Animals and Plants in the Czech Republic ”. The project meets the target of the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. Main objective of the project is preparation of the “Action Plan for Natterjack Toad”. Literature review will be conducted, assessing the current occurrence of species including field research sites. Project outcomes are to improve the knowledge of occurrence of natterjack toad and preparation of its action plan as necessary guidlines on treating the species for nature-conservation authorities, NGOs and other institutions. Majority of measures of the project consists of field research and gathering published data regarding the species leading to the action plan to be more precise and complex. The project outputs are review of literature and other information sources and listing a summary of locations of occurrence of the species throughout the country, monitoring of presence in the field, insertion of records into “Occurrence database of nature conservation ”. Target activity is writing and compilation of the action-plan text. Project includes part of publicity and beyond publishing of information leaflet and series of scientific presentations, posters and articles. Target group of the project is primarily a species and Ministry of the Environment. Secondarily, the public will be influenced by education and activities connected with conservation.
Summary of project results
The project is focused on natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita) and falls within area 1 - preparation of a new action plan. The planned activities are aimed at obtaining all data and information needed for preparation of a salvage programme. The result was the action plan text. The recent enlargement (over the past 20 years) in the Czech Republic can be considered as disjointed overall In areas of occurrence, Northern, Eastern and Central Bohemia and Třeboňsko, the extension is disjointed, the occurrence is more or less islet. The negative trend in the spread and threatening of natterjack toad in the Czech Republic is related also to the fact that it is occurring on the edge of a generic site, to the loss of populations and localities occurring not only at the far eastern edge of the site but also in the western regions of the Czech Republic. During the last 40 years, the area has decreased from 9% of the territory of the Czech Republic to less than 3%, the current number of known localities is approximately 60, of which regular reproduction takes place on about one third of them. The most important part of the action plan is the set of proposed measures. The success of the Rescue Program will depend on the comprehensive implementation of the measure and, to a large extent, on the positive attitude of mining representatives, landowners and all stakeholders. Implementation of the set of measures the care for the biotope is the most important for the conservation of the natterjack toad in the Czech Republic.Research, in particular the study of genetic variability and the establishment of conservation units, is a criterion in the selection of sites for the Habitats Care measure and necessary for measures to return the species to some repatriation sites education and education represents a set of measures, the implementation of which is important for the overall success of the action plan, therefore this group has been ranked among the highest priority measures. Evaluating goal fulfillment The goals were met in the range of planned activities. The activity of Literature and Information Resources research was carried out in four files. Activity Preparation for field survey - 14 location lists Field Survey Activity - 14 localization files and their subsequent processing. Activity Text processing of action plan - text processing including evaluation of results. Activity Publicity - preparation of presentations, two information leaflets, poster, organization of the introductory and final seminar, presentation of the results.
Summary of bilateral results